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LSCWP Configuration Settings: Purge

Purge All on upgrade


This option selects whether to purge all pages on upgrade or not. As things make change across versions, it's highly recommended to leave this on.

Auto Purge Rules For Publish/Update

When a post is published or updated, the post page is not the only one that changes. Category listings, tag listings. the blog’s front page, and a variety of archives may all also change. As such, you can specify which types of pages will be automatically purged every time a post is updated or created.

Which of these pages you choose is dependent on your theme and how posts are displayed on your site.

There is an option for All pages, which is disabled by default. When you enable this, all other checkboxes are ignored. Choosing the All pages option makes sense if you have dynamic post-related widgets which display on every page.

Scheduled Purge URLs

empty string

You can specify a list of URLs (one per line) that will be purged automatically at a certain time of day. This is not necessary under normal circumstances. LSCWP's sophisticated purge rules are able to handle most situations. If, however, you have content that is generated by an outside source, for example, you might want to purge the relevant pages every day to be sure the outside content is correctly displayed.

Scheduled Purge Time

Use this field in conjunction with the one above. If you've provided a list of URLs to purge, specify the time they should be purged here.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2017/10/13 15:44
  • by Lisa Clarke