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litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:installation [2016/06/10 18:21]
Rob Holda [Testing]
litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:installation [2020/11/14 15:39]
Lisa Clarke Redirect to new Documentation Site
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Installing & Enabling The LSCache Plugin For WordPress ====== +~~REDIRECT>​https://docs.litespeedtech.com/​lscache/lscwp/installation/~~
- +
- +
-===== Pre-Installation Requirements ===== +
- +
-  * LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise Edition 5.0.10+. +
-  * LSCache Module. (Included with a 2-CPU or higher license. Can be purchased as an add-on for VPS, Ultra VPS, and 1-CPU licenses.) +
- +
-===== LiteSpeed Web Server Settings ===== +
- +
-Please refer to the Web Server section of the [[https://www.litespeedtech.com/​support/wiki/doku.php/litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common_installation#​web_server_configuration|LiteSpeed Web Cache Common Installation Guide]] to configure server or/and Virtual Host level of cache root and cache policy. These are essential settings to enable cache for WordPress. +
-===== Installation ===== +
- +
-  - Disable any other page caches as these will interfere with LSCWP. +
-  - [[https://​wordpress.org/​plugins/​litespeed-cache/​|Download the LSCWP plugin]] from our WordPress Plugin Directory page. +
-  - Log in to your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to "​Plugins",​ and click on "Add New" -> "​Upload Plugin"​. +
-  - Select the LSCWP zip file and click "​Install Now"​. +
-  - Enable the plugin by navigating to Plugins >> LiteSpeed Cache >> Settings and checking the box for **Enable LiteSpeed Cache**. +
- +
-**Note:** If you are using any of our other LiteSpeed Cache plugins, please see **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​logged-in-cookie-conflicts|Handling Logged-in Cookie Conflicts]]**. +
- +
-===== Testing ===== +
- +
-You can check if a page is being served from LSCWP by:  +
-  - Navigating to your site from a non-logged-in browser and using your browser'​s developer tool to check the response header for the HTML file. Right click on the page and select some form of “Inspect”,​ then click on the “Network” tab in the inspector.  +
-  - In a different, logged-in browser, navigate to the cache manager and purge your cache.  +
-  - Reload the not-logged-in browser. If you see "​X-LiteSpeed-Cache:​ miss", "​X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control:​public,​max-age=1800",​ and "​X-LiteSpeed-Tag:​F,​B.1"​ (as an example), this will store the page in the cache.  +
-  - If you reload page a second time and see “X-LiteSpeed-Cache:​ hit” in the response header for the HTML file (usually listed first), then the page is being served by the cache and LSCWP is configured correctly.  +
- +
-Currently, this plugin only provides caching for non-logged-in users and further development is in progress. +
- +
-**Note:** If your first refresh after purging returns “X-LiteSpeed-Cache:​ hit" in the response header, this may be because someone visited the page after you purged but before you refreshed it yourself. +
-===== Turning On the WordPress Debug Log ===== +
- +
-To enable the WordPress debug log, modify "​wp-config.php"​ under WordPress'​ root directory as follows: +
- +
-  - Set "​WP_DEBUG"​ to true. \\  \\ <​code>​define('​WP_DEBUG',​true);</​code>​ +
-  - Add the following: \\ \\ <​code>​define('​WP_DEBUG_LOG',​true);</​code>​ +
- +
-a "​debug.log"​ file should now be generated under "​wp-content"​ which will log information whenever WordPress hits the backend.  +
- +
-You can monitor this log during debugging using the following command: +
-  tail -f wp-content/​debug.log +
-   +
-   +
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/11/14 15:39
  • by Lisa Clarke