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litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:translate [2018/02/21 19:44]
Lisa Clarke [Is Your Language Needed?] Improved screenshot
litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:translate [2020/11/14 15:42]
Lisa Clarke Redirect to new Documentation Site
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-====== Translate LSCache for WordPress ====== +~~REDIRECT>​https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/admin/~~
-LSCWP is written in United States English, and so we rely our our international users to help us translate the plugin for worldwide use. If you are fluent in a language other than English (US), and you have a few minutes to contribute to our plugin, we would appreciate it! +
- +
-===== Is Your Language Needed? ===== +
-{{:​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​lscwp-translate1.png?​200 |}} +
- +
-We have a few languages very well covered, so you'll want to check the [[https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/​litespeed-cache|Translating WordPress page for LiteSpeed Cache]] and look for your language (and geographic location if applicable). If there are red or yellow boxes next to the language, then your expertise is needed. +
- +
-As you can see, we have quite a few red boxes as of this writing (and several pages more of them past where the screenshot ends). The most important column is the "​Stable"​ column. Languages with shades of red in the stable column have less than a third of the plugin translated. +
- +
-===== How to Submit a Translation ===== +
-All you need is a wordpress.org login. Once you are logged in, you can [[https://​translate.wordpress.org/​projects/​wp-plugins/​litespeed-cache|click the link]] and start translating. +
- +
-The instructions will be the same for whichever language and geographic location you choose, but for simplicity'​s sake, let's say you're from Spain and would like to contribute to the Spain Spanish translation.  +
- +
-Click **Spanish (Spain)** to be brought to the es_ES translation page. +
- +
-{{litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​lscwp-translate2.png?​400|}} +
- +
-The most important section to work on first is **Stable (latest release)**, so click on that to see what strings are still missing translation. +
- +
-{{litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​lscwp-translate3.png?​400|}} +
- +
-You'll be brought to a list of strings and their current translations (if any).  +
- +
-This list, if it's not well-populated,​ may look overwhelming. However, ​//it is not required for you to translate every single string//. You could spend half an hour and do thirty of them. Or ten. Or even just one. Every contribution,​ even a small one, gets us closer to full translation. +
- +
-When you see a string you'd like to translate (for example, ''​Communicated with Cloudflare successfully''​),​ double click on the **Translation** column for that string, and enter your translation in the box. +
- +
-{{litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​lscwp-translate4.png?​400|}} +
- +
-Click the **Suggest new translation ->** button. Congratulations,​ you have successfully translated your first string. +
- +
-===== Now What? ===== +
-All translations must be approved by an editor for your language before they are incorporated into the plugin. +
- +
-If you would like to be a translation editor for LSCache, just keep translating! We will notice you, and apply to wordpress.org to give you editor access. Additionally,​ we'll add you to our Slack team, where you can communicate with our other editors, and be kept in the loop for new plugin updates and needed translations. +
- +
-Thank you for helping us make LSCWP accessible for a global audience!+
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/11/14 15:42
  • by Lisa Clarke