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Translate LSCache for WordPress

Please Note: This wiki is valid for v2.9.x and below of the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for WordPress. If you are using v3.0 or above, please see the new documentation.

LSCWP is written in United States English, and so we rely our our international users to help us translate the plugin for worldwide use. If you are fluent in a language other than English (US), and you have a few minutes to contribute to our plugin, we would appreciate it!

We have a few languages very well covered, so you'll want to check the Translating WordPress page for LiteSpeed Cache and look for your language (and geographic location if applicable). If there are red or yellow boxes next to the language, then your expertise is needed.

As you can see, we have quite a few red boxes as of this writing (and several pages more of them past where the screenshot ends). The most important column is the “Stable” column. Languages with shades of red in the stable column have less than a third of the plugin translated.

All you need is a login. Once you are logged in, you can click the link and start translating at your own pace.

The instructions will be the same for whichever language and geographic location you choose, but for simplicity's sake, let's say you're from Spain and would like to contribute to the Spain Spanish translation.

Click Spanish (Spain) to be brought to the es_ES translation page.

The most important section to work on first is Stable (latest release), so click on that to see what strings are still missing translation.

You'll be brought to a list of strings and their current translations (if any).

This list, if it's not well-populated, may look overwhelming. However, it is not required for you to translate every single string. You could spend half an hour and do thirty of them. Or ten. Or even just one. Every contribution, even a small one, gets us closer to full translation.

When you see a string you'd like to translate (for example, Communicated with Cloudflare successfully), double click on the Translation column for that string, and enter your translation in the box.

Click the Suggest new translation → button. Congratulations, you have successfully translated your first string.

All translations must be approved by an editor for your language before they are incorporated into the plugin.

If you would like to be a translation editor for LSCache, just keep translating! We will notice you, and apply to to give you editor access. Additionally, we'll add you to our Slack team, where you can communicate with our other editors, and be kept in the loop for new plugin updates and needed translations.

Thank you for helping us make LSCWP accessible for a global audience!

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/05/04 13:47
  • by Shivam Saluja