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litespeed_wiki:changelog [2019/12/03 20:44]
Lucas Rolff 5.4.2 build 7
litespeed_wiki:changelog [2020/02/05 15:21]
Lucas Rolff 5.4.5 build 0
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 ====== LiteSpeed Web Server Changelog ====== ====== LiteSpeed Web Server Changelog ======
 +===== Version 5.4.5 =====
 +=== Build 0 ===
 +  [New Feature] Added support for IETF HTTP/3 draft 25 (h3-25).
 +  [New Feature] Populate GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE environment variable using IP2Location database.
 +  [New Feature] Added full Captcha protection for WordPress login page.
 +  [New Feature] Optionally skip rewrite processing for Let's Encrypt verification requests.
 +  [New Feature] Automatically patch Set-Cookie with '​secure'​ flag when served over HTTPS.
 +  [Improvement] Added '​cssDecode'​ and '​utf8toUnicode'​ transformations to ModSecurity engine.
 +  [Improvement] Added support for '​REQUEST_SCHEME'​ request variable.
 +  [Improvement] Added '​-vb'​ command line option to print out version and build number.
 +  [Update] Updated WHM plugin to v3.3.7.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed websockets hanging on upgrade.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a WebAdmin Console socket address validation bug.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed .htaccess configuration changes failing to apply for Python/​Ruby/​NodeJS applications.
 +  [Bug Fix] Environment variable names are no longer converted to uppercase for Apache SetEnv directive.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a NodeJS wrapper script bug that failed to handle startup files with absolute paths.
 +  [Bug Fix] External application process startup time is now reliably detected.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a minor regression with AHO string search.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug using wrong log ID in error log. 
 +===== Version 5.4.4 =====
 +=== Build 8 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] In cPanel environment,​ disable rewrite bypass for Let's Encrypt verification requests if dedicate rewrite rule for '​acme-challenge'​ detected.
 +=== Build 7 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a random crash that occurred during SSL handshakes.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug that rarely cased CPU usage to climb to 99% when shutting down SSL connections.
 +=== Build 6 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a NodeJS wrapper script bug that failed to handle startup files with absolute paths.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a random reCAPTCHA verification failure with status code 500.
 +  [Bug Fix] External application process startup time is now reliably detected.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a minor regression with AHO string search.
 +=== Build 5 ===
 +  [New Feature] Automatically patch Set-Cookie with '​secure'​ flag when served over HTTPS.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a regression in Python/​Ruby/​NodeJS application '​tmp/​restart.txt'​ marker file handling.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a WebAdmin Console socket address validation bug.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a corner case to load trusted IP configured in document root .htaccess before reCAPTCHA verification. ​
 +=== Build 4 ===
 +  [New Feature] Skip rewrite processing for Let's Encrypt verification requests.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed websockets hanging on upgrade.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a WebAdmin Console socket address validation bug.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed .htaccess configuration changes failing to apply for Python/​Ruby/​NodeJS applications.
 +  [Bug Fix] Environment variable names are no longer converted to uppercase for Apache SetEnv directive.
 +=== Build 3 ===
 +  [New Feature] Added full Captcha protection for WordPress login page.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a connection hang regression introduced in v5.4.4 build 2.
 +=== Build 2 ===
 +  [New Feature] Populate GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE environment variable using IP2Location database.
 +  [Bug Fix] Minor bug fixes to ModSecurity engine.
 +=== Build 1 ===
 +  [Improvement] Fine tuned HTTP/3 and QUIC engine performance.
 +  [Improvement] Added '​cssDecode'​ and '​utf8toUnicode'​ transformations to ModSecurity engine.
 +  [Improvement] Added '​ctl:​debugLogLevel'​ support to ModSecurity engine.
 +  [Improvement] Added support for '​REQUEST_SCHEME'​ request variable.
 +  [Improvement] Added '​-vb'​ command line option to print out version and build number.
 +  [Update] Updated WHM plugin to v3.3.6.
 +  [Bug Fix] Minor bug fixes in ModSecurity engine.
 +=== Build 0 ===
 +  [New Feature] Added support for Google QUIC Q050. 
 +  [Security] Improved WebAdmin Console security by strictly checking request URLs. 
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug that caused HTTPS connections to stall when bandwidth throttling was enabled. ​
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed an ESI/​Litemage output corruption bug. 
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug in AIO logging that caused the access log to stop working. ​
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug causing 100% CPU usage for FreeBSD. ​
 +  [Bug Fix] Removed an unnecessary CloudLinux CageFS mount point for "/​tmp/​lshttpd"​. ​
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a crash caused by memory mapped files being truncated.
 +===== Version 5.4.3 =====
 +=== Build 5 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a regression for mod_security request parser introduced in 5.4.3 build 4.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a crash due to memory mapped file being truncated. ​
 +=== Build 4 ===
 +  [Security] Improved WebAdmin console security by strictly checking request URL. 
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a regression for FastCGI protocol support, introduced in 5.4.3 build 0.
 +  [Bug Fix] There are minor bug fixes for mod_security engine. ​
 +=== Build 3 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a mutex dead-lock regression introduced in build 2 for AIO logging.
 +=== Build 2 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug in AIO logging that caused access log stop working.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug caused 100% CPU usage for FreeBSD.
 +  [Bug Fix] Removed an unnecessary CloudLinux CageFS mount point for "/​tmp/​lshttpd"​.
 +=== Build 1 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug that caused HTTPS connections to stall when bandwidth throttling was enabled.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed an ESI/​Litemage output corruption bug.
 +  [Tuning] Fine tuned keepalive timeout for detached PHP processes to reduce the number of idle PHP processes.
 +=== Build 0 ===
 +  [New Feature] Websocket backend support via the "​ProxyPass"​ directive. ​
 +  [Enhancement] Improved WordPress brute force protection when facing large botnet attacks.
 +  [Tuning] Updated HTTP/3 QUIC engine default congestion control method to CUBIC for better performance in good network conditions.
 +  [Update] Updated WHM plugin to v3.3.5 (includes support for displaying "​critical alerts"​).
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a few bugs in HTTP/3 QUIC engine.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug in PID verification that failed to stop processes for detached applications.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug in modsecurity engine where LOGGING phase processing was bypassed if a client was using a QUIC connection. ​
 +  [Bug Fix] Properly count 3 character second level domains against license domain limit.
 +  [Bug Fix] Properly parse IPv6 mapped IPv4 addresses in request header.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed missing "​REMOTE_USER"​ request environment variable when HTTP authentication is used.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a problem with utf-8 characters in request URLs for Python applications.
 +  [Bug Fix] Improved lock contention handling when detached mode PHP processes are started concurrently by multiple server worker processes.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed an ESI sub-request bug that could stall proxy to backend communication.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fixed a DirectAdmin userdir bug.
 ===== Version 5.4.2 ===== ===== Version 5.4.2 =====
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 === Build 7 === === Build 7 ===
-  [Bug Fix] Fixed an HTTP/3 QUIC engine bug intorduced ​in build 6 that could cause action connections to close at random.+  [Bug Fix] Fixed an HTTP/3 QUIC engine bug introduced ​in build 6 that could cause action connections to close at random.
   [Tuning] Updated HTTP/3 QUIC engine default congestion control method to CUBIC for better performance in good network conditions.   [Tuning] Updated HTTP/3 QUIC engine default congestion control method to CUBIC for better performance in good network conditions.
   [Tuning] Lowered WordpressProtect minimum limit from 5 to 2 to better pairing with reCAPTCHA verification.   [Tuning] Lowered WordpressProtect minimum limit from 5 to 2 to better pairing with reCAPTCHA verification.
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2024/09/10 16:40
  • by Michael Alegre