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litespeed_wiki:cl_phpselector_how_to [2015/06/26 16:32]
Jackson Zhang [Pre-requisites]
— (current)
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-====== CloudLinux PHP Selector Howto ====== 
-===== Summary ===== 
-Cloudlinux has added their support in PHP Selector to work with lsphp in LiteSpeed Web server. It leverages the same PHP Selector GUI so that user can switch between different lsphp versions in LiteSpeed Web Server without going to LiteSpeed Admin Console to build LSPHP separately. 
-In brief, Cloudlinux'​ PHP Selector, LVE Manager and CageFS need to be installed and enabled; LSWS' lsphp5 external app needs to be in NON suEXEC daemon mode (for example, suEXEC worker mode or suEXEC Process Group mode. suEXEC daemon mode is incompatible with PHP Selector) with lsphp5 binary being set to a symlink that eventually points to the actual PHP binary of user's choice in CageFS. 
-You can also check [[http://​docs.cloudlinux.com/​index.html?​php_selector.html|Cloudlinux PHP Selector]] documentation. 
-===== Pre-requisites ===== 
-Followings need to be installed and/or enabled: 
-  - PHP Selector 
-  - LVE Manager 
-  - CageFS 
-Refer to CloudLinux [[http://​docs.cloudlinux.com/​installation.html|document]] for installation details and how to enable. ​ 
-LiteSpeed Web Server: 
-  - Enable CloudLinux CageFS support ​ (Admin Console => Configuration => Server => General => Cloud-Linux):​ CageFS 
-  - Enable PHP suEXEC ( Admin Console => Configuration => Using Apache Configuration File => PHP suEXEC): Yes 
-  - LSPHP5 external app runs in NON suEXEC daemon mode ONLY (Run On Start Up => Yes or No). Check [[litespeed_wiki:​php:​which_php_setup_am_i_using#​php_suexec_setups|here]] for suEXEC worker mode or suEXEC process group mode setup. 
-===== Installation ===== 
-=== a. Install alt-php packages from CloudLinux repository === 
-    yum groupinstall alt-php 
-=== b. Update CageFS and LVE Manager RPMs from CloudLinux === 
-    yum update cagefs lvemanager ​ 
-As of this writing (3/15/13), the correct package version should be: 
-    cagefs-4.0-14 
-    lvemanager-0.6-1 
-=== c. Changes to /​etc/​pam.d/​su === 
-Make sure the following entries are appended to file /​etc/​pam.d/​su. It should be added when CageFS is installed. Just manually add them if not. 
-    session ​   required ​    ​pam_sulve.so 
-    session ​   required ​    ​pam_lve.so ​     100     1 
-=== d. Verify === 
-1. Enable cagefs for a user  
-    su - username ​ 
-    cagefsctl -e username 
-2. Select PHP 5.3 binary in PHP selector for illustration ​ 
-{{ http://​i48.tinypic.com/​2yz08qo.png?​700 |PHP Selector}} 
-3. In user's cagefs, /​usr/​local/​bin/​lsphp should be a symlink to php53 (since we pick 5.3 in step 2.) 
-    lstestc@cptest [~]# ls -l /​usr/​local/​bin/​lsphp 
-    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Mar 14 19:15 /​usr/​local/​bin/​lsphp -> /​etc/​cl.selector/​lsphp* 
-    lstestc@cptest [~]# ls -l /​etc/​cl.selector/​lsphp ​ 
-    lrwxrwxrwx 1 lstestc lstestc 28 Mar 15 13:23 /​etc/​cl.selector/​lsphp -> /​opt/​alt/​php53/​usr/​bin/​lsphp* 
-    lstestc@cptest [~]# 
-===== LiteSpeed Web Server Setting ===== 
-In lsphp5 external app (Admin Console => Configuration => Server => External App => lsphp5), ​ 
-Change ​ 
-command => $SERVER_ROOT/​fcgi-bin/​lsphp5 ​ 
-command => /​usr/​local/​bin/​lsphp 
-See screenshot below: 
-{{ http://​i45.tinypic.com/​34t5v0n.png?​700 |LSWS LSPHP5 setting}} 
-===== Notes ===== 
-1. In order to use PHP Selector and custom php.ini, lsphp5 needs to be in **NON** suEXEC daemon mode( for example, suEXEC worker mode or suEXEC process group mode). As explained in this [[http://​blog.litespeedtech.com/​2012/​11/​29/​change-php-ini-under-php-suexec-daemon-mode-not-possible/​|blog]],​ php.ini can not be overridden in suEXEC daemon mode. 
-Admin Console => Configuration => Server => External App => lsphp5 
-Run On Start Up => Yes or No 
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/06/26 16:32
  • by Jackson Zhang