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litespeed_wiki:config [2018/04/11 14:55]
Jackson Zhang [QUIC]
litespeed_wiki:config [2020/09/03 20:37]
Jackson Zhang
Line 6: Line 6:
  ​[[litespeed_wiki:​php|PHP]],​ and [[litespeed_wiki:​other-ext-apps|other external applications]] (Python, Ruby, etc.) are covered in their own sections of the wiki and are not included here.  ​[[litespeed_wiki:​php|PHP]],​ and [[litespeed_wiki:​other-ext-apps|other external applications]] (Python, Ruby, etc.) are covered in their own sections of the wiki and are not included here.
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​admin:​command-reference|Command Reference]]|Quick Reference for All Commands| +Most of the time, users may use LSWS in a control panel environment and LSWS will read and run based on Apache configuration. You can also configure LSWS to read your existing Apache configuration if you have a working Apache server running without a control panel. In these scenarios, users may continue to set up everything in Apache, the same way as before.  
-|[[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​docs/​webserver/​config|LSWS ​Config]]|LSWS Configuration Items+ 
-===== Performance ​tips===== +Sometimes, users may run LSWS natively without a control panel. In this case, users can check LSWS native configuration through LSWS Admin Console.  
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​improve-performance|My site running slow, how to make it faster?]]|How to improve ​my site performance?| + 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​server-load-issue|My server load is high, how to resolve it?]]|How to resolve ​my server load issue?| +===== Basic Command Reference ===== 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​concurrency|Controlling PHP Concurrency]]|How to control ​how many connections your PHP engine can serve at once| +Please see [[litespeed_wiki:​admin:​command-reference|Quick Reference for All Commands]]. 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cloudlinux:​cl_LVE_vs_lsws_PHP_suEXEC_Max_Conn|Understand ​LSWS "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" and Cloudlinux LVE]]|LSWS "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" should be always less than CL LVE EP |+ 
 +===== Understanding Apache Configuration ===== 
 +Why do you need to understand Apache configuration if you are using LSWS Web Server?  
 +LiteSpeed is a drop-in replacement in a control panel environment,​ which means that LiteSpeed can read Apache configuration files and run LSWS based on Apache'​s settings. Most of the time, configuration changes on Apache will reflect directly on LSWS as well. 
 +LiteSpeed'​s implementation of Apache functionality includes (but is not limited to) the following Apache modules. This list is gradually expanding as new feature requests are implemented:​ 
 +''​mod_access'',​ ''​mod_actions'',​ ''​mod_alias'',​ ''​mod_auth'',​ ''​mod_auth_ldap'',​ ''​mod_auth_passthrough'',​ ''​mod_autoindex'',​ ''​mod_cache'',​ ''​mod_cgi'',​ ''​mod_expires'',​ ''​mod_fastcgi'',​ ''​mod_frontpage'',​ ''​mod_geoip'',​ ''​mod_gzip''/''​mod_deflate'',​ ''​mod_jk'',​ ''​mod_mime'',​ ''​mod_php'',​ ''​mod_proxy'',​ ''​mod_rewrite'',​ ''​mod_security'',​ ''​mod_ssl'',​ ''​mod_suexec'',​ and ''​mod_throttle''​. 
 +LiteSpeed Web Server also uses the same syntax as Apache for distributed configuration file (''​.htacess''​) and URL rewrite rules. 
 +Please check https://​httpd.apache.org/​docs/​2.4/​|Apache documentation]] for information about configuring Apache. 
 +===== LSWS Native Configurations===== 
 +  * [[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​docs/​webserver/​config|LiteSpeed Web Server Native Configuration Items]] 
 +===== New: LSWS 5.3 features Highlight ===== 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​php:​detached_mode| PHP detached mode to allow PHP processes to continue running through web server restarts and  PHP handler auto configuration.]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cloudlinux:​node.js_selectorSupport for CloudLinux NodeJS selector]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cpanel:​tls13TLSv1.3 support]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cloudlinux:​lsphp_criu_enable| PHP CRIU support in CloudLinux environments]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​geoip-support| Maxmind database support for GeoIP2 lookup]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​gzip-brotli-automatic-conversion| Brotli compression for dynamic responses and automatic gzip and brotli conversion for cached pages]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​auto-fix-cache-files-directories-permission| ​ Improved cache engine to fix bad cache storage directory and file permissions]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​lsws5.3-rewrite-improvement| Improve rewrite Engine to match Apache behavior]] 
 +===== Performance ​Tips===== 
 +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​improve-performance|How to improve site performance]] 
 +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​server-load-issue|How to resolve ​high server load issue]] 
 +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​concurrency|How to control ​the number of connections your PHP engine can serve at once]] 
 +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​cloudlinux:​cl_LVE_vs_lsws_PHP_suEXEC_Max_Conn|Understanding ​LSWS "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" and Cloudlinux LVE]]
 ===== QUIC ===== ===== QUIC =====
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Enable QUIC]]|How to enable ​QUIC| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Enable QUIC|How to Enable QUIC at the Server Level]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Quic makes quicker]]|How QUIC makes the web quicker| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​disable_quic|How to Disable/​Enable ​QUIC at the VHost and Listener Levels]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​supported_quic_versions]]|What ​Quic versions does LSWS support?|+  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Quic makes quicker|How QUIC makes the web quicker]] 
 +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Supported ​Quic Versions|QUIC versions supported by LiteSpeed Web Server]] 
 +  ​
 ===== PageSpeed ===== ===== PageSpeed =====
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Enable PageSpeed]]|How to enable PageSpeed module| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Enable PageSpeed|How to enable ​the PageSpeed module]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Compare PageSpeed and lscache]]|Should I turn on both PageSpeed and lscache?|+  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Compare PageSpeed and LSCache|Comparing ​PageSpeed and LSCache]] 
 +===== LiteSpeed-Supported mod_passenger Rules ===== 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mod_passenger|LiteSpeed-Supported mod_passenger Rules]] ​  
 ===== Proxy ===== ===== Proxy =====
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​proxy:​lsws-as-a-proxy|Proxy as a Context]]|How to setup LiteSpeed Web Server as a Proxy via Contexts| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​proxy:​lsws-as-a-proxy|How to set up LiteSpeed Web Server as a Proxy via Contexts]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​proxy:​lsws-as-a-proxy-rewrite|Proxy as a RewriteRule]]|How to setup LiteSpeed Web Server as a Proxy via Rewrite Rules|+  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​proxy:​lsws-as-a-proxy-rewrite|How to set up LiteSpeed Web Server as a Proxy via Rewrite Rules]]
 ===== GeoLocation ===== ===== GeoLocation =====
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​GeoLocation]]|How to enable ​IP to GeoLocation| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​GeoLocation|How to enable GeoLocation]] 
- +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ip2location|How to enable IP2Location]]
-===== IP2Location ===== +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ip2location]]|How to enable IP2Location|+
 ===== Header Settings===== ===== Header Settings=====
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​CORS]]|How to enable CORS on LSWS| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​CORS|How to enable CORS on LSWS]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Server Push]]|How to use Server Push on LSWS| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​Server Push|How to use Server Push on LSWS]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​header-edit-set-cookie|Alternative way for ''​Header always edit Set-Cookie''​ directive on LSWS]]
 ===== Security ​ ===== ===== Security ​ =====
- +  * [[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​docs/​webserver/​security|LiteSpeed Web Server ​Security Overview]] 
-|[[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​docs/​webserver/​security|Security Overview]]|LiteSpeed web server security overview| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mitigating-syn-floods|Mitigating SYN Floods ​by hardening your kernel]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mitigating-syn-floods|Mitigating SYN Floods]]|How to harden your kernel against SYN floods| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​shared-hosting-security|Shared Hosting SecurityAccess Permission isolation]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​shared-hosting-security|Shared Hosting Security]]|Access Permission isolation| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​suexec-mode|suEXEC Mode Process UID isolation: CGI/​FCGI/​LSAPI/​PHP]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​suexec-mode|suEXEC Mode]]|Process UID isolation: CGI/​FCGI/​LSAPI/​PHP| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​chroot|Process Execution isolation]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​chroot]]|Process Execution isolation| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mod_security-compatibility|Apache mod_security 2.5+ compatibility]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mod_security-compatibility|mod_security Compatibility]]|Apache mod_security 2.5+ compatibility| +  ​* ​[[https://​www.atomicorp.com/​wiki/​index.php/​Litespeed|Explanation of Atomicorp'​s support of LSWS and how to set it up]] 
-|[[https://​www.atomicorp.com/​wiki/​index.php/​Litespeed|Atomicorp setup and support]]|Explanation of Atomicorp'​s support of LSWS and how to set it up| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​cloudlinux:​cagefs|CloudLinux CageFS How-To: Installation and Configuration]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cloudlinux:​cagefs|CloudLinux CageFS How-To]]|Installation and Configurations| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​hsts-setup|How to set up HTTP Strict Transport Security ​(HSTS)]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​hsts-setup|Setting up HSTS]]|How to set up HTTP Strict Transport Security| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​vhost-level_bw_throttling|Virtual Host-Level Bandwidth ThrottlingSet different bandwidth limits for different sites]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​vhost-level_bw_throttling|Virtual Host-Level Bandwidth Throttling]]|Set different bandwidth limits for different sites+  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​disable-cgi|How to disable CGI scripts]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​cloudflare-ips-or-subnets|Void CloudFlare IP/Subnet blocking]]|How to avoid LSWS Anti-ddos blocking CloudFlare IP/subnet connections| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​wordpress-protection|How WordPress Brute Force Protection works]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​disable-cgi|How to disable CGI script]]|Disable all CGI scripts| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​authenticate|How to setup Site Authentication through context or .htaccess]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​wordpress-protection ​|WordPress Protection ]] | How WordPress Brute Force Protection works | +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​recaptcha|reCAPTCHA]] 
-===== How to mitigate DDoS attacks with LSWS's built-in security features ===== +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​csf|ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) LiteSpeed Configuration]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mitigating-ddos-attacks|Mitigating HTTP-level DDoS Attacks]]|How to mitigate DDoS attacks with LSWS's security features| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​disable-http-methods|How to disable OPTIONS/​TRACE/​TRACK http methods]] 
-|[[https://​store.litespeedtech.com/​store/​knowledgebase.php?​action=displayarticle&​id=125|Understanding LiteSpeed Advanced Anti-DDos Setup Service]]|Fine tune anti-DDoS configurations and set up a script using iptables to automatically block attacking IPs detected by web server.+==== LSWS Built in Anti-DDoS Protection ==== 
-===== HTTPS/SSL Configuration ​===== +  ​* ​[[https://​store.litespeedtech.com/​store/​knowledgebase.php?​action=displayarticle&​id=125|Understanding LiteSpeed Advanced Anti-DDos Setup Service]] 
- +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mitigating-ddos-attacks|Mitigating HTTP-level DDoS attacks with LSWS's security features]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-private-key|Create an SSL private key]]|How to create ​SSL private key| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​cloudflare-ips-or-subnets|How to avoid LSWS Anti-DDoS blocking CloudFlare IP/subnet connections]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-self-signed-cert|Self Signed SSL Certificate]]|How to create a self signed SSL certificate ​| +  ​ 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-cert-request|Create a certificate request]]|How to create ​SSL certificate request ​for applying a trusted SSL certificate ​from CA issuer. | +==== HTTPS/SSL Configuration ==== 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-cert-install|Install a SSL certificate]]|How to install ​SSL certificate| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-private-key|How to create ​an SSL private key]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​admin-SSL|Secure web admin console]]|How to secure ​web administration ​console with  SSL| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-self-signed-cert|How to create a self signed SSL certificate ​]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​https-redirect|Redirect to https connection]]|How to redirect from plain http connection to secured https connection| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-cert-request|How to create ​an SSL certificate request from CA issuer]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ocsp-stapling|OCSP Stapling]]|How to set up OCSP stapling for faster SSL| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ssl-cert-install|How to install ​an SSL certificate]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​faq:​disabling-http2|Disabling HTTP/2]]|Disabling HTTP/2 per virtual host|+  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​admin-SSL|How to secure ​the Web Administration ​console with SSL]] 
 +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​https-redirect|How to redirect from plain http connection to secured https connection]] 
 +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ocsp-stapling|How to set up OCSP stapling for faster SSL]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​letsencrypt-ssl|How to set up SSL with Let's encrypt]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​faq:​disabling-http2|Disabling HTTP/2 per virtual host]]
 ===== Logs/​Monitoring ===== ===== Logs/​Monitoring =====
- +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​centralized-syslog-or-splunk-logging|High performance logging of LiteSpeed ​logs to syslog/​splunk via UDP]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​centralized-syslog-or-splunk-logging|Syslog/​Splunk Logger]]|High performance logging of litespeed ​logs to syslog/​splunk via udp.| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​snmp-cacti-monitoring|Monitor LiteSpeed real-time metrics via SNMP client and full-Cacti log/graph integration]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​snmp-cacti-monitoring|SNMP Monitoring + Cacti Graphing]]|Monitor LiteSpeed real-time metrics via SNMP client and full-Cacti log/graph integration| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rrd-graph-monitoring|Monitor LiteSpeed Server Status via RRD Graph]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rrd-graph-monitoring|Server Status + RRD Graphing]]|Monitor LiteSpeed Server Status ​ via RRD Graph| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​piped-logger|Flexible logging with piped logger]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​piped-logger|Piped Logger]]|Flexible logging with piped logger| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​awstats|How to use the integrated AWstats log analyzer]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​awstats|AWstats]]|How to use integrated AWstats log analyzer| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​new_relic|How to get New Relic to work with LSWS]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​new_relic|New Relic Installation Guide]]|How to get New Relic to work with LSWS| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​real-time-stats|Real-Time Statistics in Admin Console]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​real-time-stats|Real-Time Statistics]]|Real-Time Statistics in Admin Console| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​error-messages|How to deal with "Child Process Killed"​ message in stderr.log]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​error-messages|Child process killed, is that normal?]]|How to deal with "Child Process Killed"​ message in stderr.log+  
-===== Debugging ===== +
- +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​bug-reporting|Bug Reporting]]|How to file a LiteSpeed bug report| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​toggle-debug-logging|Toggle Debug Logging]]|A feature for quickly switching between normal and very detailed log levels| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rewrite-logs|How to Enable Rewrite Logging]]|The first step in debugging rewrite rules| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rewrite-rule-troubleshooting|How to Debug my Rewrite Rule]]|The steps to check the failed rewrite rule|+
 ===== Streaming Media ===== ===== Streaming Media =====
- +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​flv-streaming|Flash Video (FLV) Streaming (random seek)]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​flv-streaming|FLV streaming]]|Flash Video (FLV) Streaming (random seek)| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mp4-streaming|MP4/​H264/​F4V Video Streaming]]
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​mp4-streaming|MP4 streaming]]|MP4/​H264/​F4V Video Streaming|+
 ===== Tuning ===== ===== Tuning =====
- +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​brotli:​start|How to Disable ​Brotli ​Server Wide or on a per Account/​Domain basis]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​brotli:​disable-per|Disable Brotli Per Account/​Domain]]|How to disable ​Brotli on a per Account/​Domain basis| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​gzip-compression|How to use gzip compression to save bandwidth]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​brotli:​disable-server|Disable Brotli Per Server Wide]]|How to disable Brotli Server Wide| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​gzip-compression-enable-globally-disable-VH|How to disable ​gzip compression ​on VH level while enabled globally?]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​gzip-compression|gzip Compression]]|How can I use gzip compression ​to save bandwidth?| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​linux-kernel-tune|How to tune Linux OS for maximum performance for LiteSpeed.]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​linux-kernel-tune|Linux OS Tuning]]|How to tune Linux OS for maximum performance for LiteSpeed.| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​increasing-os-file-descriptor-limit|How to increase the file descriptor limit]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​increasing-os-file-descriptor-limit|File Descriptor Limit]]|How to increase the file descriptor limit| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​internal-redirect|How to use the x-sendfile or x-accel-redirect feature]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​internal-redirect|Internal Redirect]]|For those seeking ​x-sendfile or x-accel-redirect feature. We show you how with LiteSpeed.| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​nf-conntrack-table-full|How to deal with the "​nf_conntrack:​ table full, dropping packet."​ issue]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​nf-conntrack-table-full|nf_conntrack table]]|"​nf_conntrack:​ table full, dropping packet."​ issue| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​vhost-level_bw_throttling|Virtual Host-Level Bandwidth ThrottlingSet different bandwidth limits for different sites]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​vhost-level_bw_throttling|Virtual Host-Level Bandwidth Throttling]]|Set different bandwidth limits for different sites| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ram_disk_path|Understanding RAM Disk Path Setting ​and its role in I/O load]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ram_disk_path|Understanding RAM Disk Path Setting]]|Will RAM disk setting help with I/O load issue| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​keep_alive|How to set "keep alive" for your site]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​keep_alive|Understanding keep alive setting]]|How to set "keep alive" for my site|+  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​disable_php_override_htaccess|How to disable PHP override in .htaccess with LSWS?]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​external_application_abort|How to keep a script running even the client disconnected?​]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​envirnment_variables|Special environment variables in LiteSpeed Rewrite Rules]] 
 +===== Rewrite rules ===== 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rewrite-rules-lsws-vs-apache|Differences in Rewrite rules between LSWS and Apache]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​special-rewrite-rule-directive|How to use special directives in rewrite rules]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rewrite-inside-location-not-supported|Rewrite rules inside <​Location>​ or <​FileMatch>​ are not supported by LSWS]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​troubleshooting:​rewrite_difference_on_l_flag_between_lsws_and_apache|Rewrite difference on "​L"​ Flag between LSWS and Apache]]
 ===== Miscellaneous Customization ===== ===== Miscellaneous Customization =====
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​AutoIndex|AutoIndex Customization:​ How to customize auto index script]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​microsoft-frontpage-server-extensions-2002-installation|How to install Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​multiviews|How to handle MultiViews]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​enable-http2|How to enable HTTP2]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​disable-tls1|How to disable TLS1.0 while enabling TLS1.2 and TLS1.3]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​add-mime-type|How to add MIME type if it doesn'​t exist]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​show-real-ip-behind-a-proxy|How to restore a real visitor IP behind a proxy]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​redirect_cgi-bin_no_exist_404|How to fix the 404 error when redirecting /​cgi-bin/​script]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​internal-redirect|Internal Redirect: For those seeking x-sendfile or x-accel-redirect feature. We show you how with LiteSpeed.]]
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ifdefine-ifmodule-litespeed-apache-difference|IfDefine/​IfModule,​ LiteSpeed acts differently than Apache]]
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​AutoIndex|Auto Index Customization]]|How ​to customize auto index script| +===== Troubleshooting errors ===== 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​microsoft-frontpage-server-extensions-2002-installation|Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002]]|How to install Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​understanding_500|Understanding 500 error and how to fix it]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​multiviews|MultiViews]]|How ​to handle MultiViews| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​understanding_404|Understanding 404 error how to fix it]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​enable-http2|Enable HTTP2]]|How to enable HTTP2| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​understanding_403|Understanding what may cause 403 error]] 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​disable-tls1|Disable TLS1.0]]|How to disable TLS1.0 while enable TLS1.2 and TLS1.3| +  ​* ​[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​max_SSL_connections_reached|How to fix "max SSL connections reached"​]]
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​add-mime-type| Add MIME type]]|How to add MIME type if not exist| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​show-real-ip-behind-a-proxy| Show real IP behind a proxy]]|How to restore real visitor IP instead of proxy?| +
-===== Virtual Hosting =====+
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:name-based-virtual-hosting-setup|Name-Based Virtual Hosting]]|How to set up name-based virtual hosting| +===== Setup LSWS as load balancer ===== 
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ip-based-virtual-hosting-setup|IP-Based Virtual Hosting]]|How to set up IP-based virtual hosting|+  * [[litespeed_wiki:​proxy:lsws-as-a-load-balancer|How to set up LSWS as load balancer]]
-==== Custom Templates ​====+===== Unsupported Apache modules or directives ​===== 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​unsupported_apache_modules_by_lsws|Apache modules or directives LSWS does support yet]]
-Custom templates can be used to make LSWS virtual hosts that have been prepared ​for popular web applications and plugins. All templates use LiteSpeed native configurations. ​They are unnecessary if you are migrating an existing site with web applications from Apache.+===== LSWS native: Virtual Hosting ===== 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​name-based-virtual-hosting-setup|How to set up name-based virtual hosting]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​ip-based-virtual-hosting-setup|How to set up IP-based virtual hosting]] 
 +===== Debugging ===== 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​bug-reporting|How to file a LiteSpeed bug report]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​toggle-debug-logging|Toggle Debug Logging: A feature for quickly switching between normal and very detailed log levels]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rewrite-logs|How to Enable Rewrite Logging: The first step in debugging rewrite rules]] 
 +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​rewrite-rule-troubleshooting|How to Debug Rewrite Rules]] 
 +===== Custom Templates ===== 
 +Custom templates can be used to make LSWS virtual hosts, and simultaneously prepare them for popular web applications and plugins. All templates use LiteSpeed native configurations. ​//​Templates ​are unnecessary if you are migrating an existing site with web applications from Apache.//
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​config:​virtual-host-template|Virtual Host Templates]]|How to use a template to configure a group of virtual hosts with similar configurations| +  * [[litespeed_wiki:​config:​virtual-host-template|How to use a template to configure a group of virtual hosts with similar configurations]] 
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_WP_Super_Cache_With_Template|WP Super Cache]]|Template and tutorial for quick and easy set up of LSWS with WordPress and WP Super Cache| +  ​* ​[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_WP_Super_Cache_With_Template|WP Super CacheTemplate and tutorial for quick and easy set up of LSWS with WordPress and WP Super Cache]] 
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_W3_Total_Cache_With_Template|W3 Total Cache]]|How to use a template to set up LSWS with WordPress and W3 Total Cache| +  ​* ​[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_W3_Total_Cache_With_Template|W3 Total CacheHow to use a template to set up LSWS with WordPress and W3 Total Cache]] 
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_Reverse_Proxy_With_Template|Reverse Proxy]]|Use a template to set up LSWS as a reverse proxy in under seven minutes| +  ​* ​[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_Reverse_Proxy_With_Template|Reverse ProxyUse a template to set up LSWS as a reverse proxy in under seven minutes]] 
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_Mediawiki_With_Template|MediaWiki]]|Setting up MediaWiki with LSWS is faster and easier with a template| +  ​* ​[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_Mediawiki_With_Template|MediaWikiSetting up MediaWiki with LSWS is faster and easier with a template]] 
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_PHPBB_With_Template|phpBB]]|Set up this popular open source bulletin board application with a template| +  ​* ​[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_PHPBB_With_Template|phpBBSet up this popular open source bulletin board application with a template]] 
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_PHPList_With_Template|phpList]]|A tutorial and template for setting up phpList with LSWS|+  ​* ​[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_PHPList_With_Template|phpListA tutorial and template for setting up phpList with LSWS]]
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/09/03 20:37
  • by Jackson Zhang