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DokuWiki Installation

This guide will explain how to get up and running with DokuWiki on LiteSpeed Web Server with CentOS 7.

The easiest way to install PHP for LiteSpeed is through our CentOS repository. If the LiteSpeed Repository was not installed and enabled during the web server installation, follow this guide to install and enable the LiteSpeed Repository.

Step 1.Install PHP

You can install some of the most commonly-used PHP 7.1 packages and modules for LiteSpeed. Use the following command:

sudo yum install lsphp71 lsphp71-mysqlnd lsphp71-common lsphp71-gd lsphp71-pdo lsphp71-process lsphp71-mbstring lsphp71-mcrypt lsphp71-opcache lsphp71-bcmath lsphp71-xml lsphp71-soap lsphp71-json -y 

Step 2.Setup PHP

Visit http://your_server_IP:7080. Navigate to Server Configuration > External app, then click the second icon Edit on the right hand side in order to edit this application.

  • Name: lsphp → lsphp71
  • Command: $SERVER_ROOT/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 → $SERVER_ROOT/lsphp71/bin/lsphp

Step 3.Restart LSWS

When you are finished, click the Save icon to save your changes, then click the Graceful Restart button.

Step 4. PHP Verification

Visit http://your_server_IP/phpinfo.php and make sure PHP Version shows 7.1.x.

To illustrate setting up DokuWiki on a vhost we'll use the default virtual host, “Example”. You can download DokuWiki from their official latest version

 wget -P /usr/local/lsws/Example/html
 tar xvf /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/dokuwiki-stable.tgz
 chown -R nobody /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/dokuwiki 

Please note that document root of 'Example' virtual host is /usr/local/lsws/Example/http/

Open browser with URL http://your_server_IP/dokuwiki/install.php and setup your account and password. Once you complete the installer, you can safely remove install.php.

 rm -f /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/dokuwiki/install.php 

Now you can start DokuWiki on http://your_server_IP/dokuwiki/doku.php

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2017/10/09 16:18
  • by Eric Leu