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litespeed_wiki:installation:magentoce2_installation [2017/09/16 09:45]
Usman Nasir [MYSQL 5.6 Installation:]
litespeed_wiki:installation:magentoce2_installation [2017/09/16 11:28]
Usman Nasir
Line 64: Line 64:
-=====Create ​Wordpress ​DB Account ===== +=====Create ​Magento CE DB Account ===== 
-Create the Wordpress ​database and your Wordpress ​user/​password:​ +Create the Magento CE database and your Magento CE user/​password:​ 
-<​code>​ mysql -u root -p$yourmysqlpassword + 
- ​create database ​wordpress; grant all privileges on wordpress.* to wordpress@localhost identified by 'wordpress'; exit;</​code> ​+<​code>​mysql -u root -p (Press enter because we've not set the password) 
 +create database ​magento; grant all privileges on magento.* to magento@localhost identified by 'magento'; exit; 
 +</​code> ​
 Note: For security purposes, you should use a Wordpress username and password that are different than our example. Note: For security purposes, you should use a Wordpress username and password that are different than our example.
Line 76: Line 78:
 {{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​selection_010.png?​600 |}} {{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​selection_010.png?​600 |}}
-===== Download and Extract ​Wordpress ​=====+===== Download and Extract ​Magento CE =====
-To illustrate setting up Wordpress ​on a vhost we'll use the default virtual host, “Example”. You can download ​Wordpress ​from their official [[https://wordpress.org/download/|download page]]. ​+To illustrate setting up Magento CE on a vhost we'll use the default virtual host, “Example”. You can download ​Magento CE from their official [[https://magento.com/tech-resources/download|download page]]. ​
-Please note that the document root of '​Example'​ virtual host is **/​usr/​local/​lsws/​Example/​http/**+Please note that the document root of '​Example'​ virtual host is **/​usr/​local/​lsws/​Example/​html/** 
 +If you have downloaded in zip format, use following:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-unzip latest.zip +unzip Magento-CE-x.x.zip
-mv wordpress/​* ​.+
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-===== Wordpress ​Installation =====+ 
 +Or if you have downloaded in tar.gz 
 +tar zxf Magento-CE-x.x.tar.gz 
 +Change owernship:​ 
 +chown -R nobody:​nobody /​usr/​local/​lsws/​Example/​html 
 +===== Magento CE Installation =====
 Open the browser with URL ''​http://​server_IP:​8088/''​ Open the browser with URL ''​http://​server_IP:​8088/''​
-==== wp-config.php file ====+==== Terms & Agreement ​====
 Once you open the url in browser you will see this window: Once you open the url in browser you will see this window:
-{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​wp-first.png?600 |}}+{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​magento-terms.png?600 |}} 
 +Accept terms and conditions by clicking '​Accept and Setup Magento'​. 
 +====Step 1: Readiness Check ==== 
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​readiness_check.png?​600 |}} 
 +Magento CE installer needs to check if all the requirements are met, if you have followed all the guidelines above, all requirements should meet, just click 'Start Readiness Check'​. 
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​requirments-met.png?​600 |}} 
 +If you see something like this after requirements checks you are good to go, else check which one you are missing and make sure they are met.
-As you can see, WordPress will ask all database related information on next step and will create ''​wp-config.php''​ file using this information. If for some reasons (mostly permissions issues) WordPress is not able to create this file, it will provide you with data which you can copy and manually create ''​wp-config.php''​ file inside your WordPress home.+====Step 2:  Add a Database ====
-==== Database Details ====+{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​magento-database.png?​600 |}}
-{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​wordpress-db.png?600 |}}+Enter database details we created above.
-We've created the database above. Just enter the database details and click '​Submit'​. If the WordPress installer is successfully able to connect to the database, it will start the installation process.+====Step 3:  Web Configuration ====
-==== Run WordPress Install ====+{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​installation:​magento-web-configurations.png?​600 |}}
-{{ :litespeed_wiki:installation:runinstall-wp.png?600 |}}+Your Store Addresshttp://​yourdomain.com 
 +Magento Admin Address: http://​yourdomain.com/admin
-If everything works out great, just click 'Run the install'​ and WordPress will perform the installation.+====Step 4: Customize Your Store====
-==== Enter General Website details ====+Leave everything default unless you want to change anything.
-{{ :litespeed_wiki:​installation:​wp-enter-details.png?​600 |}}+====Step 5Create Admin Account====
-WordPress will now ask you information regarding your blog/site, like whats the blog name, username you want to use and password, example configurations:+New Usernamelitespeed
-  * Site Title: litespeedtech +New Email: example@example.com
-  * Username: litespeedtech +
-  * Password: litespeedtech +
-  * Your email: example@example.com+
-If you are satisfied with the details click '​Install WordPress'​.+New Password: litespeed@123
-WordPress is now successfully installed, you can browse the home at http://​server_IP:​8088/​ and wordpress admin at http://​server_IP:​8088/​wp-admin+====Step 6Install====
 +After completing all these steps and click install, so that Magento CE installer can install Magento for you, after successful installation you can visit your store at: http://​server_IP:​8088/​
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2017/09/16 11:30
  • by Usman Nasir