Add data to an existing key before existing data.


prepend <key> <flags> <TTL> <length> [noreply]


  • key - The name of the unique key by which data is accessed.
  • flags - A 32-bit unsigned integer that the server stores with the data provided by the user, and returns along with the data when the item is retrieved.
  • TTL - The length of time (in seconds) the key/value pair will be stored in cache. A 0 value means the data will “never expire” and should not be removed from the cache unless required. If the TTL is more than 30 days then LSMCD interprets it as UNIX timestamp for expiration.
  • length - The length of the data in bytes that needs to be stored in LSMCD.
  • noreply - This optional parameter tells the server not to send any reply.
  • value - The data that needs to be stored. This parameter needs to be given on the new line after executing the command with the above options.


prepend mykey 0 120 10


output notes:

  • 0 → no flags
  • 120 → store data for 2 minutes (120 seconds)
  • 10 → add 10 bytes of data to the end of “mykey”
  • In this example, if “mykey” had a value of “myvalueabc”, after running prepend, its value would be “abcdeabcdemyvalueabc”.

possible errors:

  • NOT_STORED - Indicates that the key does not exist in the LSMCD server and its data could not be modified.
  • CLIENT_ERROR - Indicates other errors such as syntax errors.
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2016/04/07 18:53
  • by Rob Holda