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litespeed_wiki:nodejs_setup [2014/07/30 14:55]
Michael Armstrong
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-====== Setting Up Node.js ====== 
-Node.js is a platform that generally runs as a separate web server. LiteSpeed Web Server can be configured to proxy traffic to Node.js so that users can run Node.js applications (like Ghost) on their sites. 
-The following wiki guides you through the steps to set up Node.js with LiteSpeed Web Server. The wiki assumes that you are running LSWS off of Apache configurations (though the steps can be easily adapted to using LSWS native configuration files). 
-===== Install Node.js ===== 
-  - wget http://​nodejs.org/​dist/​node-latest.tar.gz 
-  - tar xvzf node-latest.tar.gz 
-  - cd node-vX.X.X 
-./configure --prefix=~ 
-make install 
-===== Proxy Node.js Traffic ===== 
-There are two  
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2014/07/30 14:55
  • by Michael Armstrong