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litespeed_wiki:php:503-errors [2018/08/01 19:12]
Lisa Clarke [Strace the PHP process] Proofreading
litespeed_wiki:php:503-errors [2019/01/25 15:40]
Jackson Zhang
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 ==== CloudLinux Limits Reached =====  ==== CloudLinux Limits Reached ===== 
-For CloudLinux users, if a site is limited by either the amount of memory or the number of processes, then the user will receive 503 errors because the server cannot execute the script. Increasing the limits on memory and number of processes for that CageFS user may fix the problem.+For CloudLinux users, if a site is limited by either the amount of memory or the number of processes, then the user will receive 503 errors because the server cannot execute the script. Increasing the limits on memory and number of processes for that CageFS user may fix the problem. ​To understand why LVE may cause such error, please refer to [[https://​docs.cloudlinux.com/​index.html?​lve.html|CloudLinux LVE documentation]]. 
 +  If the site is limited by CPU or IO, then the site will start responding slower. 
 +  If the site is limited by memory or number of processes limits, then the user will recieve 500 or 503 errors that server cannot execute the script. 
 ==== PHP memory_limit reached ==== ==== PHP memory_limit reached ====
Line 239: Line 243:
 Check the PHP ''​max_execution_time''​ configuration in a phpinfo() page to see if it is set high enough to handle long running requests. ​ Check the PHP ''​max_execution_time''​ configuration in a phpinfo() page to see if it is set high enough to handle long running requests. ​
-====The lsphp process is killed unexpectedly by CSF/LFD ====+==== The lsphp process is killed unexpectedly by CSF/LFD ====
-When a php script is executing, if the process is killed by the admin or a process monitoring daemon, it'll result in 503 errors.+When a PHP script is executing, if the process is killed by the admin or a process monitoring daemon, it'll result in 503 errors.
 === CSF/LFD Kill === === CSF/LFD Kill ===
Line 255: Line 259:
   PT_USERTIME = "​1800"​   PT_USERTIME = "​1800"​
   ​   ​
-So if an lsphp5 process has run 1800 seconds (30 minutes), it might be caught by csf and killed. In php suExec ​Daemon mode or ProcessGroup mode, it's normal that the parent lsphp5 process keeps running after 30 minutes. When csf/lfd kills an lsphp5 process, it'll leave logs in ''/​var/​log/​lfd.log''​. These logs will look similar to the following:+So if an lsphp5 process has run 1800 seconds (30 minutes), it might be caught by csf and killed. In PHP Daemon mode or ProcessGroup mode, it's normal that the parent lsphp5 process keeps running after 30 minutes. When csf/lfd kills an lsphp5 process, it'll leave logs in ''/​var/​log/​lfd.log''​. These logs will look similar to the following:
   Jun 19 16:29:16 evo lfd[18304]: *User Processing* PID:18264 Kill:1 User:xxxxx VM:538(MB) EXE:/​usr/​local/​lsws/​fcgi-bin/​lsphp-5.4.42 CMD:lsphp5   Jun 19 16:29:16 evo lfd[18304]: *User Processing* PID:18264 Kill:1 User:xxxxx VM:538(MB) EXE:/​usr/​local/​lsws/​fcgi-bin/​lsphp-5.4.42 CMD:lsphp5
Line 290: Line 294:
 These settings will need to be adjusted on a per case basis as each scenario will be different. They should be increased slightly higher than the current values until the issue stops occurring. For the changes to take effect, both csf and lfd will need to be restarted. This can either be done via the WHM Plugin or through a shell terminal with the following command: ''​csf -r; service lfd restart''​ These settings will need to be adjusted on a per case basis as each scenario will be different. They should be increased slightly higher than the current values until the issue stops occurring. For the changes to take effect, both csf and lfd will need to be restarted. This can either be done via the WHM Plugin or through a shell terminal with the following command: ''​csf -r; service lfd restart''​
 +==== Misconfiguration of "​lsphp"​ External Application ====
 +During LiteSpeed Web Server installation,​ external applications will be automatically set to the best value for general use. However, sometimes the user intentionally removes some of these settings. This causes a misconfiguration and possibly also a 503 error.
 +For a PHP external app, LSWS will normally add the following to it by default:
 +    <​memSoftLimit>​2047M</​memSoftLimit>​
 +    <​memHardLimit>​2047M</​memHardLimit>​
 +    <​procSoftLimit>​1400</​procSoftLimit>​
 +    <​procHardLimit>​1500</​procHardLimit>​
 +Imagine a user intentionally removes the above without any clear purpose. When the resource limit is not set, LSWS will use the CGI resource limit by default, but the CGI resource limit is too low to meet the requirements. ​
 +If the user has configured PHP to have 500 max connections:​
 +     <​maxConns>​500</​maxConns>​
 +Then it must have 500 child processes: ​
 +     <​env>​PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN=500</​env>​
 +The "500 max connections"​ setting requires "​process limit" to be set at a minimum of "​1000."​ But since the user incorrectly removed the PHP process limit settings, the above misconfiguration caused a 503 PHP error when running LSWS. 
 +We recommend that you do not to remove anything if you are unsure, as it can cause an uncertain problem, including a 503 error. ​
 ====  Apache and LiteSpeed using unmatched PHPs could cause problems for control panel users ====  ====  Apache and LiteSpeed using unmatched PHPs could cause problems for control panel users ==== 
 If you use a control panel such as cPanel or Plesk, make sure both PHPs for Apache and LiteSpeed are matching each other. To test this, you can create a phpinfo page under your domain and switch between both web servers to check. If these PHPs do not match you could end up with 503 errors. If you use a control panel such as cPanel or Plesk, make sure both PHPs for Apache and LiteSpeed are matching each other. To test this, you can create a phpinfo page under your domain and switch between both web servers to check. If these PHPs do not match you could end up with 503 errors.
Line 321: Line 345:
 ==== Magento 503 error ==== ==== Magento 503 error ====
-After (re)installation of LiteMage Cache extension in Magento Connect manager, Magento site couldn'​t be accessed and may give 503 errors. ​ Please refer [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​troubleshooting:​connect-cache-session-cleaning-error|this]] for details.+After (re)installation of LiteMage Cache extension in Magento Connect manager ​or enable other modules in Magento 2, Magento site may be placed in maintenancence mode and couldn'​t be accessed and may give 503 errors. ​ Please refer [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​troubleshooting:​connect-cache-session-cleaning-error|this]] for details.
 +==== CloudLinux Imunify360 error ====
 +Check ''​stderr.log''​. It shows:
 +  *** Error in '​lsphp:/​home/​ukrainia/​public_html/​index.php':​ malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x00007fa380d45e40 ***
 +  ======= Backtrace: =========
 +  /​lib64/​libc.so.6(+0x7f574)[0x7fa37c07f574]
 +  /​lib64/​libc.so.6(+0x82c90)[0x7fa37c082c90]
 +  /​lib64/​libc.so.6(__libc_malloc+0x4c)[0x7fa37c0857dc]
 +  /​opt/​cpanel/​ea-php54/​root/​usr/​lib64/​php/​modules/​i360.so(+0xb80b)[0x7fa375fbe80b]
 +  /​opt/​cpanel/​ea-php54/​root/​usr/​lib64/​php/​modules/​i360.so(map_increment_int_+0xa2)[0x7fa375fbeaa2]
 +If you try the following:
 +**/​opt/​cpanel/​ea-php54/​root/​usr/​lib64/​php/​modules>​** ''​mkdir backup''​
 +**/​opt/​cpanel/​ea-php54/​root/​usr/​lib64/​php/​modules>​** ''​mv i360.so backup/''​
 +**/​opt/​cpanel/​ea-php54/​root/​usr/​lib64/​php/​modules>​** ''​ls -l i360.so backup/''​
 +You will get this result:
 +  ls: cannot access i360.so: No such file or directory
 +  backup/:  ​
 +  total 88
 +  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 86568 Nov 15 12:37 i360.so
 +The issue is fixed by disabling CloudLinux'​s ''​i360.so''​. This is a CloudLinux bug. Please be aware that it may have been fixed by the CloudLinux team by the time you read this wiki, but it was a cause of 503 errors at one time.
 ===== Advanced Troubleshooting Guide ===== ===== Advanced Troubleshooting Guide =====
Line 422: Line 475:
 This backtrace shows us that the program crashed soon after accessing the opcode cache. This suggests that the issue is with the opcode cache. The user can then try upgrading the opcode cache or changing their PHP version. If neither of those work, the user should try to disable the opcode cache. This backtrace shows us that the program crashed soon after accessing the opcode cache. This suggests that the issue is with the opcode cache. The user can then try upgrading the opcode cache or changing their PHP version. If neither of those work, the user should try to disable the opcode cache.
 +===== LSWS ''​Auto Fix 503 Error''​ feature =====
 +In LSWS Admin Console, there is a feature ''​Auto Fix 503 Error''​. It specifies whether to try to fix the "503 Service Unavailable"​ error by restarting the server gracefully. A "​503"​ error is usually caused by malfunctioning external applications and a web server restart can often fix the error temporarily. If enabled, the server will restart automatically whenever there are more than 30 "​503"​ errors within a 30 seconds span. This feature is enabled by default and you can disable it from LSWS Admin -> Server -> General -> Auto Fix 503 Error -> No. 
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​php:​auto-fix-503-error.png?​800 |}}
 +''​Auto Fix 503 Error''​ is not a permanate fix, but only a tmp fix by restarting Web Server. You should not reply this feature to fix the 503 errors, and going through the above steps to find a permanate fix is always recommended. ​
 ===== Real World Examples ===== ===== Real World Examples =====
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/02/11 14:26
  • by Jackson Zhang