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litespeed_wiki:php:apt [2016/03/30 13:28]
Long Hu [Installation]
litespeed_wiki:php:apt [2021/02/03 19:02]
Jackson Zhang
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-====== Installing PHP From The LiteSpeed Debian Repository ======+====== Installing PHP From The LiteSpeed Debian/​Ubuntu ​Repository ======
-Installing PHP with LiteSpeed SAPI from our repository is much faster and easier than compiling it yourself. If you are not used to compiling PHP you will likely find this method more comfortable. We currently maintain LiteSpeed PHP (LSPHP) for Debian 8 (Jessie), Debian 7 (Wheezy), Ubuntu 12 (Precise), Ubuntu 14 (Trusty) in this repository. ​+For LSWS native and OpenLiteSpeed, ​Installing PHP with LiteSpeed SAPI from our repository is much faster and easier than compiling it yourself. If you are not used to compiling PHP you will likely find this method more comfortable. We currently maintain LiteSpeed PHP (LSPHP) for Debian 10 (Buster), Debian 9 (Stretch), ​Debian 8 (Jessie), Debian 7 (Wheezy), Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise ​Pangolin), Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty ​Tahr), Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus), Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) and Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) in this repository. ​As the Debian/​Ubuntu Operating Systems become EOL (End of Life) we will stop updating packages for those Operating Systems in this repository without notice. 
 +===== Important Update for Debian/​Ubuntu Repository ===== 
 +As of October 27th 2016 we have updated our signing key and encryption for better protection and safety. Do not worry if you receive an error like: 
 +W: GPG error: http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian xenial Release: The following signatures couldn'​t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 011AA62DEDA1F085 
 +W: The repository '​http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian xenial Release'​ is not signed. 
 +N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use. 
 +N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. 
 +W: Invalid '​Date'​ entry in Release file /​var/​lib/​apt/​lists/​rpms.litespeedtech.com_debian_dists_xenial_Release 
 +W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 
 +This is because keys changed. It is a very easy fix all you have to do is run one of the following commands: 
 +sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 011AA62DEDA1F085 
 +sudo wget -O /​etc/​apt/​trusted.gpg.d/​lst_repo.gpg http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian/​lst_repo.gpg 
 +If the key that it is asking for does not match 011AA62DEDA1F085 or EDA1F085. Do not continue, check your "/​etc/​apt/​sources.list.d/​lst_debian_repo.list"​ file, and re-run the install script. 
 +All the information on the new key can be found here: 
 +If you encounter any other issues please let us know and we will help!
 ===== Installation ​ ===== ===== Installation ​ =====
-  - Add the LiteSpeed Debian Repository with the following command: (You must have **wget** installed ) \\ \\  <​code>​wget -O - http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian/​enable_lst_debain_repo.sh | bash</​code>​ +  - Add the LiteSpeed Debian/​Ubuntu ​Repository with the following command: (You must have **wget** installed ) \\ \\  <​code>​wget -O - http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian/​enable_lst_debian_repo.sh | bash</​code>​ 
-  - Install LiteSpeed PHP with apt-get: \\ \\ <​code>​apt-get install lsphpXX (XX can be 54,​55,​56,​70)</​code>​+  - Install LiteSpeed PHP with apt-get: \\ \\ <​code>​apt-get install lsphpXX (XX can be 54,55,56,70,​71,​72,​73,​74)</​code>​
 To install other php packages for lsphpXX: To install other php packages for lsphpXX:
 +Here is a list of packages that you can install: [[litespeed_wiki:​php:​apt:​packages|LiteSpeed PHP Repository Packages]]
 For example: ​ For example: ​
-  apt-get install ​lsphp56-gd lsphp56-mysql ​lsphp56-mcrypt lsphp56-imap+  apt-get install ​lsphp73 lsphp73-mysql ​lsphp73-pdo lsphp73-opcache
 Available packages can be checked using the following command: Available packages can be checked using the following command:
-  apt-cache search ​lsphp56 +  apt-cache search ​lsphpXX (XX can be 54,​55,​56,​70,​71,​72,​73,​74) 
-===== About enable_lst_debain_repo.sh =====+==== What does enable_lst_debian_repo.sh do? ==== 
 +Note: This section is just to explain how the script works, please don't run the following command ​
-This is the script run in step 1It will do the following things:  +enable_lst_debian_repo.sh script ​will do the following things ​automatically:  
-  * Add the LiteSpeed Debian Repository to Debian'​s source list folder+  * Detect your OS Ubuntu/​Debian distro and add associated ​LiteSpeed Debian/​Ubuntu ​Repository ​info to Debian'​s source list folder 
 +Depending on distro of your system, The script will automatically add distro info to the repo list. For example, if your system is jessie, the script will do the following(please don't run the following command manually since it just explains how the enable_lst_debian_repo.sh automatically detects and does that): ​
 <​code>​echo "deb http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian/​ jessie main" > /​etc/​apt/​sources.list.d/​lst_debian_repo.list </​code>​ <​code>​echo "deb http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian/​ jessie main" > /​etc/​apt/​sources.list.d/​lst_debian_repo.list </​code>​
   * Fetch LiteSpeed Tech's gpg public key and add it to APT's trusted key zone   * Fetch LiteSpeed Tech's gpg public key and add it to APT's trusted key zone
-<​code>​wget -O /​etc/​apt/​trusted.gpg.d/​lst_debian_repo.gpg http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian/​lst_debian_repo.gpg </​code>​+<​code>​wget -O /​etc/​apt/​trusted.gpg.d/​lst_repo.gpg http://​rpms.litespeedtech.com/​debian/​lst_repo.gpg </​code>​
   * Update the APT package list   * Update the APT package list
 <​code>​apt-get update</​code>​ <​code>​apt-get update</​code>​
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 ===== Notes ===== ===== Notes =====
-  * LiteSpeed PHP 5.6 will be installed to ''/​usr/​bin/lsphp5''​. This is not usual directory LSWS checks for PHP so we will need to direct LSWS to this directory after installation. \\ \\  To do this, open the WebAdmin Console and navigate to Configuration >> Server >> External App and click "​Edit"​ next to the "LSAPI App" Type. Change the path in the **Command** field to ''/​usr/​bin/​lsphp5''​ and click "​Save"​ at the top right. LSWS should now be using the newly installed ​lsphp5+  * LiteSpeed PHP XX will be installed to ''/​usr/​local/lsws/​lsphpXX''​. This is not the usual directory LSWS checks for PHP so we will need to direct LSWS to this directory after installation. \\ \\  To do this, open the WebAdmin Console and navigate to Configuration >> Server >> External App and click "​Edit"​ next to the "LSAPI App" Type. Change the path in the **Command** field to ''/​usr/​local/​lsws/​lsphpXX/bin/lsphp''​ and click "​Save"​ at the top right. LSWS should now be using the newly installed ​lsphp binary
-  * A "​php.ini"​ file will have been installed to ''​etc/php5/litespeed/​php.ini''​. You may modify and otherwise tailor this file to suit your needs.+  * A "​php.ini"​ file will have been installed to ''/​usr/local/​lsws/​lsphpXX/​etc/​php.ini''​. You may modify and otherwise tailor this file to suit your needs. 
 +  * Packages in the apt repo are usually only built for Long Term Support (LTS) releases due to the fact that regular releases have too short of a life span before End of Life (EOL). In most cases, non-LTS releases will still work with packages from the prior LTS release. 
 +  * For opcache module, you won't find separate packages such as lsphp5x-opcache,​ but it has been included in the main package. The module location is /​usr/​local/​lsws/​lsphp55/​lib/​php/​20121212/​opcache.so. ​ By default, it is not enabled in php.ini. You should modify the main php.ini such as /​usr/​local/​lsws/​lsphp55/​etc/​php.ini by adding the following:​ 
 +  zend_extension=opcache.so 
 +  opcache.enable=1
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2021/02/04 13:33
  • by Lisa Clarke