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litespeed_wiki:piped_logger [2015/07/30 18:44]
Michael Alegre [How to use piped logger for flexible logging]
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-====== How To Use A Piped Logger For Flexible Logging ====== 
-A piped logger is a standalone application that receives access log data sent by web server through a pipe on its STDIN stream. This makes flexible logging possible, like logging into a database or logging to remote server. ​ 
-===== A piped logger example ===== 
-Here is a simple piped logger written in Perl, which receives logging data from STDIN and append data received to a file on local harddisk: 
-  #​!/​usr/​bin/​perl 
-  open LOG, '>>​ ../​logs/​pipedaccess.log';​ 
-  select LOG; 
-  $| = 1; 
-  while (<>) 
-  { 
-     print LOG $_; 
-  } 
-To use a piped logger, first, you need to define an external application with type "Piped Logger",​ then go to "​Access Log" configuration and select the "Piped logger"​ from the drop down list. Once a piped logger is set, access log data will be sending to the logger application instead of the access log file. 
-===== Logging through syslog ===== 
-You can configure LSWS to use syslog, logging access to syslog. 
-First, add the following line to your /​etc/​syslog.conf file: 
-  local0.info /​var/​log/​lsws_access_log 
-Then create a logger application with path like this: 
-  /​usr/​bin/​logger -p local0.info ​ 
-syslogd is pretty slow, it may not be the best solution for a busy server 
-===== Logging to remote server through syslog ===== 
-To log to remote server via syslog, you only need to change the syslog configuration in above example to: 
-  local0.info ​ @ip_or_hostname_of_remote_server 
-===== Using syslog-ng ===== 
-[[http://​www.balabit.com/​products/​syslog_ng/​|syslog_ng]] is a good replacement for syslogd. 
-Here is toturial on [[http://​www.serverwatch.com/​tutorials/​article.php/​3600641|Building a Secure Logging Server With syslog-ng]] 
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/07/30 18:44
  • by Michael Alegre