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A recent Plest update changed the PHP configuration within the Apache configuration. This may interfere with LiteSpeed Web Server, Plesk PHP Selector, and CloudLinux PHP Selector.

No matter what PHP version you choose in CloudLinux PHP Selector, PHPinfo shows the PHP version that was selected in the Plesk PHP setting.

There are two possible solutions for this issue.

Use Plesk PHP Selector to choose an alt-php, such as alt-php51-fastcgi. Please note, you must choose fastcgi in order for LSWS to work properly.

If Plesk PHP Selector is no longer needed, since CloudLinux PHP Selector pretty much covers all of the PHP settings and extensions, you could choose to use CloudLinux PHP Selector exclusively. This will completely disable the Plesk PHP Selector, which means no matter which PHP you choose in Plesk Selector, it will have no effect at all, and only the setting in CloudLinux Selector will be obeyed.

Login to LSWS WebAdmin Console by accessing https://SERVER_IP:7088

Follow the instructions in the CloudLinux support documentation to set up the lsphp_selector external app, as seen in the screenshot.

After the external app is created, go to the Script Handler page, and create multiple handlersphp,php44,php51,php52,php53,php54,php55,php56,php70,php71,php72,php73. Be sure to change Handler Name to lsphp_selector for each suffix, as seen in the screenshot.

Now all of the handlers will use same lsphp binary that is controlled by the CloudLinux Selector.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2019/11/26 16:17
  • by Lisa Clarke