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litespeed_wiki [2013/08/05 20:30]
Michael [PHP]
litespeed_wiki [2017/07/11 19:15]
Michael Alegre
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== ​Welcome to LiteSpeed Wiki ====== +====== ​Please choose from one of the following categories: ​======
- +
-Striving to improve communication between us, the developers, and our users, this wiki was created to be a place to exchange tutorials, configuration tips, external modules, and other ideas regarding LiteSpeed products.+(Topics that fit in multiple categories are posted multiple places.)
-As this area is based on the wiki concept, all users may create and edit content. ​+__**[[litespeed_wiki:​installation|Installation]]**__
 +__**[[litespeed_wiki:​cloud:​start|Cloud Platforms]]**__
-===== How to use this wiki =====+__**[[litespeed_wiki:​php|PHP]]**__
-To participate in the wiki, you must first register an account on our [[http://www.litespeedtech.com/​support/​forum/​|Support Forum]]. The forum login is used for both the forum and wiki editing.+__**[[litespeed_wiki:other-ext-apps|Other External Applications (Ruby, Python, Perl, Node.js, Java, etc.)]]**__
 +__**[[litespeed_wiki:​config|Configuration How-Tos]]**__
-====== New to LiteSpeed ======+__**[[litespeed_wiki:​cloudlinux|CloudLinux]]**__
 +__**[[litespeed_wiki:​cwp|CentOS Web Panel]]**__
-===== LiteSpeed Tutorials for Beginners ===== +__**[[litespeed_wiki:cloudflare|CloudFlare]]**__
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[http://​www.wowtutorial.org/​tutorial/​80.html|Load Balancer Config]]|Easy guide to install and configure Litespeed Load Balancer| +
-|[[http://​www.litespeedtech.com/​support/​forum/​showthread.php?​t=5438|Install Litespeed on Mac OS X]]|Installation guide showing you how to setup LiteSpeed on your Mac and compile PHP with the LiteSpeed Complile PHP feature| +
-|[[litespeed:​wiki:​upgrade_to_paid_version|Upgrade LSWS to paid version]]|How to upgrade LiteSpeed Web Server from Standard Edition (free version) to Enterprise Edition (paid version)|+
-====== LiteSpeed Basics ======+__**[[litespeed_wiki:​licenses|Licenses]]**__
-^Article^Description^ +__**[[litespeed_wiki:​lslb|LiteSpeed Web ADC]]**__
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​install:​commandline|Command Line Install]]|How to install and set up LSWS using only the command line| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​install:​rpm|RPM Install]]|How to install LSWS from our CentOS repositories|+
-===== Configuration Tips =====+__**[[litespeed_wiki:​lsmcd|LiteSpeed Memcached]]**__
-^Article^Description^ +__**[[litespeed_wiki:​faq|FAQ]]**__
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​ha_high_availability_heartbeat_cluster|HA Active-Standby LiteSpeed]]|HA High Available LiteSpeed with Heartbeat| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_can_i_set_up_name-based_virtual_hosting|Name-Based Virtual Hosting]]|How to set up name-based virtual hosting| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_can_i_set_up_ip-based_virtual_hosting|IP-Based Virtual Hosting]]|How to set up IP-based virtual hosting| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​template|Virtual Host Templates]]|How to use a template to configure a group of virtual hosts with similar configurations| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_can_i_use_gzip_compression|gzip Compression]]|How can I use gzip compression to save bandwidth?​| +
- +
-===== OS Tuning Tips ===== +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed:​wiki:​linux_kernel_tune|Linux OS Tuning]]|How to tune Linux OS for maximum performance for LiteSpeed.| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_can_i_increase_the_operating_system_file_descriptor_limit|File Descriptor Limit]]|How to increase the file descriptor limit| +
- +
- +
-===== General Tips ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​howto:​bug_report|Bug Reporting]]|How to file a LiteSpeed bug report| +
-|[[litespeed:​wiki:​feature:​internal_redirect|Internal Redirect]]|For those seeking x-sendfile or x-accel-redirect feature. We show you how with LiteSpeed.| +
-|[[litespeed:​wiki:​feature:​flv_streaming|FLV streaming]]|Flash Video (FLV) Streaming (random seek)| +
-|[[litespeed:​wiki:​feature:​mp4_streaming|MP4 streaming]]|MP4/​H264/​F4V Video Streaming| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​logging_syslog_splunk_centralized|Syslog/​Splunk Logger]]|High performance logging of litespeed logs to syslog/​splunk via udp.| +
- +
- +
- +
-====== LiteSpeed + PHP/​Ruby/​Python/​Perl/​Java ====== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_do_i_set_up_an_external_application|How Do I Set Up an External Application?​]]|Setting up LSWS to run with dynamic content| +
- +
- +
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- +
-===== PHP ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​lsapi|PHP 4/5 with LSAPI]]|Compiling and installing custom PHP with LSAPI| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​lsapi:​troubleshoot|PHP 4/5 with LSAPI Troubleshoot]]|Compiling and installing custom PHP with LSAPI Troubleshooting Guide| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_do_i_configure_lsws_for_php|How Do I Configure LSWS for PHP?]]|A step-by-step guide| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​rpm|Installing LSPHP via RPM]]|The faster way to get PHP| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​opcode_cache|PHP Opcode Cache: APC]]|How to setup proper opcode caching for PHP| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​lsapi_ubuntu_debian|PHP LSAPI Ubuntu Package]]|How to create a .deb package with PHP + LSAPI for Ubuntu Dapper Drake and Edgy Eft| +
-|[[http://​www.litespeedtech.com/​support/​forum/​showthread.php?​t=874|PHP + Oracle]]|How to connect to Oracle with PHP + LSAPI| +
-|[[http://​nix101.com/​2007/​09/​22/​setting-up-a-secure-and-fast-php-build-for-litespeed|PHP5 + Suhosin Patch and Extension]]|How to build a Litespeed PHP5 LSAPI With Suhosin Patch and Extension| +
-|[[http://​wowtutorial.org/​tutorial/​3.html|PHP5 + Suhosin Patch and Extension (FreeBSD 6.2)]]|How to build a Litespeed PHP5 LSAPI With Suhosin Patch and Extension on FreeBSD 6.2| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php:​uploadprogress_bar|PHP Upload Progress Bar]]|How to setup upload progress bar  for PHP| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​PHP_MYSQL_Persistent_Connections|PHP/​MySQL]]|Performance tip: avoid php/mysql persistent connections.| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php_lsapi_command|LSPHP Command Line Mode]]|Good for service scalability.| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​multiple_phps_in_control_panel_lsws|Run multiple PHPs in LiteSpeed + Control Panel]]|How to run multiple PHPs in LiteSpeed together with control panel| +
-|[[https://​store.litespeedtech.com/​store/​knowledgebase.php?​action=displayarticle&​id=31|PHP Basic Troubleshooting Guide]]|Basic Steps to troubleshoot PHP related issues (aka 503 error) in LSWS.| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cl_phpselector_how_to|CloudLinux PHP Selector How-To]]|PHP Selector(CloudLinux) How-To: Install and Configurations with LSWS| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php_run_without_timeout|Run PHP as long as possible]]|How to Run PHP as Long as Possible| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​php_fcgi_environment_variables|Environment Variables for PHP FCGI Applications?​]]|Supported environment variables for non-LSAPI applications| +
- +
-===== Ruby/Rails ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Ruby_Rails_Easy|Ruby on Rails Easy Configuration]]|The easiest way to configure Rails application (LSWS v2.2 and above)| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Rails_Hosting|Rails Shared Hosting Configuration]]|Setup Rails application through user manageable configuration file in shared hosting environment | +
-|<​del>​[[litespeed_wiki:​Ruby_Rails|Rails Manual Configuration]]</​del>​|<​del>​Detail steps to configure Rails application manually</​del>​| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Ruby_Rails_Mongrel|Ruby on Rails with Mongrel]]|Install How-To| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Capistrano|Capistrano]]|LiteSpeed,​ LSAPI, and Capistrano How-To| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Ruby_Debug|Debug a live Ruby process]]|How to inspect a live Ruby process| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Rails:​TroubleShoot|Rails trouble shooting]]|Steps to trouble shoot problem with a Rails application| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Rails:​memcache|Memcache]]|Tip about using Memcache with LSAPI| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Rails:​qucik_init|Speed Up Initialization]]|Tip about speeding up Rails initialization even more| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​Ruby:​eruby|eRuby setup]]|How to setup eRuby under LSWS | +
- +
- +
-===== Python ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​python_fcgi|Python with FastCGI]]|How to install a FastCGI based Python application| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​trac_fcgi_python|Trac SCM with FastCGI]]|How to install a Trac SCM project with FastCGI | +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​django_fcgi_python|Django web framework with FastCGI]]|How to deploy Django project with FastCGI | +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​django_ajp_wsgi|Django web framework with ajp-wsgi]]|How to deploy Django project with ajp | +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​python_ajp_wsgi|Apache mod_wsgi app in litespeed]]|How to run Apache mod_wsgi python app in litespeed | +
- +
-===== Perl ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[http://​www.dev411.com/​wiki/​Installing_LiteSpeed_and_FastCGI_for_Catalyst|Catalyst MVC with FastCGI]]|How to install a the Catalyst Framework using FastCGI| +
-|[[Apache mod_perl equivalent]]|How to use the persistent Perl CGI daemon?| +
- +
- +
-===== Java ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_do_i_set_up_a_servlet_engine_to_run_jsp|How Do I Set Up a Servlet Engine to Run JSP?]]|How to set up LSWS to work with JavaServer Pages| +
- +
- +
-====== Replacing Apache With LiteSpeed ====== +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Apache/Web Hosting Control Panel Migration ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​apache:​ezcpanel|Quick cPanel Conversion]]|How to convert your cPanel server to LiteSpeed in 20 minutes| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​apache:​cpanel|LiteSpeed + cPanel]]|How to use LiteSpeed together with cPanel| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​apache:​DA|LiteSpeed + DirectAdmin]]|How to use LiteSpeed together with DirectAdmin| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​apache:​plesk|LiteSpeed + Plesk]]|How to use LiteSpeed together with Plesk| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​apache:​other_cp|LiteSpeed + Other Control Panels]]|How to use LiteSpeed together with other control panels| +
-|[[Apache mod_perl Equivalent]]|How to use the persistent Perl CGI daemon?| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​per_user_ini_in_control_panel_lsws|Custom/​Per user php.ini in LiteSpeed + Control Panel]]|How to use custom/per user php.ini in LiteSpeed together with control panel| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​multiple_phps_in_control_panel_lsws|Run multiple PHPs in LiteSpeed + Control Panel]]|How to run multiple PHPs in LiteSpeed together with control panel| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​mod_security_compatibility|mod_security compatibility]]|Apache mod_security 2.5+ compatibility| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​mod_security_tips_tricks|mod_security compatibility tips & tricks]]|Tips and tricks for mod_security 2.5+ compatibility| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​litespeed:​Q & A: Apache Migration|cPanel Apache Migration ​FAQ]]|Answers To cPanel Migration Questions| +
- +
-===== Apache (without Web Hosting Control Panel) Migration ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​apache:​migration|Apache (standalone) Migration]]|How to convert your standalone Apache to LiteSpeed| +
- +
-===== HTTPS/SSL Configuration ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​SSL_private_key|Create a SSL private key]]|How to create a SSL private key| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​SSL_self_signed_cert|Self signed SSL certificate]]|How to create a self signed SSL certificate | +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​SSL_cert_request|Create a certificate request]]|How to create a SSL certificate request for applying a trusted SSL certificate from CA issuer. | +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​SSL_cert_install|Install a SSL certificate]]|How to install a SSL certificate| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​admin:​SSL|Secure web admin console]]|How to secure web administration console with  SSL| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​https_redirect|Redirect to https connection]]|How to redirect from plain http connection to secured https connection| +
- +
-====== LiteSpeed Advances ====== +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
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-===== Security ​ ===== +
- +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​security:​Shared Hosting Securities]]|Access Permission isolation| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​CGI/​FCGI/​LSAPI/​PHP suEXEC|suEXEC]]|Process UID isolation: CGI/​FCGI/​LSAPI/​PHP| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​chroot]]|Process Execution isolation| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cagefs_how_to|CloudLinux CageFS How-To]]|Installation and Configurations| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cl_phpselector_how_to|CloudLinux PHP Selector How-To]]|PHP Selector(CloudLinux) How-To: Install and Configurations with LSWS| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_can_i_mitigate_ddos_attacks|Mitigating HTTP-level DDoS Attacks]]|How to mitigate DDoS attacks with LSWS's security features| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​mitigating_syn_floods|Mitigating SYN Floods]]|How to harden your kernel against SYN floods| +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Cache  ===== +
- +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​litespeed:​cache|Guideline]]|General Guideline for LiteSpeed Cache| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​litespeed:​cache:​ipboard|LSWS Cache + IP Board]]| How to enable LSWS cache for Invision Power Board (IP Board)| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​litespeed:​cache:​magento|LSWS Cache + Magento]]| How to enable LSWS cache for Magento| +
-|[[http://​blog.litespeedtech.com/​2011/​01/​28/​speed-up-vbulletin-sites-through-litespeed-built-in-cache/​|LSWS Cache + vBulletin]]| How to enable LSWS cache for vBulletin| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​litespeed:​cache:​vbulletin|LSWS Cache + vBSEO]]| How to setup LSWS cache in vBSEO| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​litespeed:​cache:​purge|LSWS Cache PURGE]]| How to purge LSWS cache| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​reverse_proxy_cache|LSWS Cache Reverse Proxy]]| How to setup cache reverse proxy| +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Add-Ons ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​snmp_cacti_monitoring|SNMP Monitoring + Cacti Graphing]]|Monitor LiteSpeed real-time metrics via SNMP client and full-Cacti log/graph integration| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​rrd_graph_monitoring|Server Status + RRD Graphing]]|Monitor LiteSpeed Server Status ​ via RRD Graph| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​piped_logger|Piped Logger]]|Flexible logging with piped logger| +
-|[[litespeed:​wiki:​awstats|AWstats]]|How to use integrated AWstats log analyzer| +
-|[[litespeed:​wiki:​AutoIndex|Auto Index Customization]]|How to customize auto index script| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​install_microsoft_frontpage_server_extensions_2002|Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002]]|How to install Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002| +
- +
- +
-===== Custom Templates ===== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_WP_Super_Cache_With_Template|WP Super Cache]]|Template and tutorial for quick and easy setup of LSWS with WordPress and WP Super Cache| +
-|[[http://​open.litespeedtech.com/​mediawiki/​index.php/​Help:​How_To_Set_Up_Reverse_Proxy_With_Template|Reverse Proxy]]|Use a template to set up LSWS as a reverse proxy in under seven minutes| +
- +
-====== Licenses ====== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​What License to Choose]]|How to choose a license that fits my need| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​Trial License]]|How to apply a trial license and related information about trial version| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​Activate License]]|How to activate a new license on a new or existing installation| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​Transfer/​Release License]]|How to transfer or release existing license so it can be used on another server| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​Upgrade/​Downgrade License]]|How to upgrade or downgrade my current license| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​Yearly Upgrade for Owned License]]|How to purchase yearly upgrade for owned license| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​Cancel license]]|How to cancel my leased license| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​All about Licenses]]|Other FAQ regarding licenses| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​Command Reference]]|Quick Reference for All Commands| +
- +
- +
- +
-====== ​ FAQ  ====== +
- +
-^Article^Description^ +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​is_litespeed_web_server_free|Is LiteSpeed Web Server Free?]]|The three types of LSWS| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​standard_and_enterprise_editions|Main Differences Between Standard and Enterprise Edition?​]]|A brief discussion of the differences| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​what_kinds_of_technical_support_are_available|What Kinds of Technical Support Are Available?​]]|Overview| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​what_server_apis_are_available_for_third_party_products|What Server APIs Are Available?​]]|APIs for communicating with third party products| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​can_i_change_the_server_string_in_the_response_header|Can I Change the Server String in the Response Header?​]]|Changing whether clients can see what server you use| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​can_php_configuration_settings_be_changed|Can PHP Settings Be Changed Through the Server?​]]|Changing PHP configurations through the WebAdmin console and .htaccess| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​does_litespeed_web_server_support_jsp_servlets|Does LiteSpeed Web Server Support JSP/​Servlets?​]]|Through AJPv13| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​does_litespeed_web_server_support_asp.net|Does LiteSpeed Web Server Support ASP.net?​]]|Through Mono| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​can_litespeed_web_server_act_as_a_cache_proxy|Can LiteSpeed Web Server Act as a Cache Proxy?​]]|Not yet| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​are_apache_modules_supported|Does LiteSpeed Support Apache Modules?​]]|LiteSpeed Web Server uses a different architecture| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​are_server_side_includes_ssi_supported|Is SSI Supported?​]]|Since 4.0| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​does_litespeed_web_server_support_virtual_hosting|Does LiteSpeed Web Server Support Virtual Hosting?​]]|It'​s unlimited| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​can_i_run_multiple_copies_of_litespeed_web_server_on_one_machine|Multiple Copies of LiteSpeed Web Server on One Machine?​]]|Only one copy/​machine| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​multiprocessor_server_fully_utilized|Can LiteSpeed Web Server Be Scaled to Use Multiple Processors?​]]|Overview of scalability of different LSWS types| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​is_litespeed_web_server_open_source|Is LiteSpeed Web Server Open Source?​]]|About OpenLiteSpeed| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​is_litespeed_web_server_based_on_any_existing_web_server|Is LiteSpeed Web Server Based on Another Web Server?​]]|LSWS was built from scratch| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​how_do_i_perform_a_benchmark|How Do I Perform a Benchmark?​]]|Tips on comparing servers| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​is_there_anything_i_can_do|Is There Anything I Can Do?]]|How you can help|+
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2018/07/30 18:36
  • by Lisa Clarke