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User-Defined Cache Rules

Global setting. Routes to be cached. Partial matches will also be cached. Space, comma, return separated.

Global setting. Subroutes within cacheable routes to be excluded from caching. Space, comma, return separated.

Global setting. Tells LSWS to cache entire responses based on route actions instead of URLs.

  • The same content is cached for all URLs with the same action route.
  • For example, if all of your 404 pages are the same, you may add cms_index_noRoute to this list.
  • This setting uses case sensitive exact matching and is space, comma, return separated.
  • If you use ShopByBrands, make sure that this setting does not include cms_index_noRoute as it was implemented using redirects from cms_index_noRoute

Global setting. Comma-separated list of GET variables that prevents caching URLs within Cacheable Routes.

Global setting. List of relative URLs contained in Cacheable Routes that you would like to exclude from caching.

  • Partial matches can be performed by adding an “*” to the end of a URL.
  • Space, comma, return separated.

Global setting. Comma-separated list of customized block names associated with the “welcome” tag. These are private blocks and are only purged by login and logout events.

Global setting. Comma-separated list of customized block names associated with the “toplinks” tag. These are private blocks and are only purged by login and logout events.

  • For Ultimo theme, add header in this setting.

Global Setting. By default, the “toplinks” tag is associated with the “cart” and “wishlist” tags. This setting associates additional purge tags with the “toplinks” tag.

  • For example, if you have Ultimo Theme and see minicompare on toplinks blocks you can add “compare” here.
  • Tags are predefined in the config.xml file under litemage/esiblock.
  • This setting uses a comma-separated list.

Global setting. Comma-separated list of customized block names associated with the “messages” tag. Only define here if the block is not derived from “Mage_Core_Block_Messages.”

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2016/08/12 13:08
  • by Rob Holda