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Handling Private Information Inside Of A Public Block

Private holes can only be punched at the block level. If a piece of private information does not have its own block, we have to add a block in order to inject the ESI process.

For example, a user review input form is integrated into a product page by a customized theme. The form can be varied according to each product, and the default nickname is varied by each logged in user. You cannot simply configure the whole page/block to be private.

As of version 1.0.2, sample code has been added to demonstrate how to handle private information inside of a public block. There are a few steps to be followed.

  • In the corresponding layout file, add a block. For example: customized_theme/layout/catalog.xml


              <block as="review_form" name="" template="review/form.phtml" type="review/form"/>


               <block as="review_form" name="" template="review/form.phtml" type="review/form">
                  <block type="litemage/inject_nickname" name="nickname" as="nickname"/>

The sample code is shipped by default under Litemage/Block/Inject/Nickname.php.

  • Modify the template to use the newly injected block for the value.


<input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname_field" class="input-text required-entry" value="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($data->getNickname()) ?>" required/>


 <input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname_field" class="input-text required-entry" value="<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('nickname') ?>" required/>
  • Since this is inside the value quote, you must add $v after the block name or block type in LiteMage's config.xml to avoid extra info/debug info from being output to browser.

Again, if you have any customizations, please make these changes in your local directory or create a backup as they will otherwise be overridden by future LiteMage updates.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2016/05/11 14:44
  • by Rob Holda