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litespeed_wiki:other-ext-apps:apache-mod-perl-equivalent [2018/02/28 22:37]
Jackson Zhang
litespeed_wiki:other-ext-apps:apache-mod-perl-equivalent [2020/08/28 19:40]
Jackson Zhang
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-===== How to run perl script ​on LSWS native configuration? =====+====== How to Run a Perl Script ​on LSWS? ======
-LiteSpeed comes with a persistent Perl CGI daemon which can run perl CGI script ​without modification,​ just like mod_perl in Apache.+LiteSpeed comes with a persistent Perl CGI daemon which can run Perl CGI scripts ​without modification,​ just like mod_perl in Apache.
-You need to configure it as a Fast CGI application,​ and then add a script handler for "​pl"​ or whatever suffixes used for Perl scripts. The Perl CGI daemon is located at +===== For a Control Panel Environment ===== 
 +==== Setup perl fastcgi external app and script handler ==== 
 +If you configure LSWS to run Perl under a control panel environment,​ such as cPanel, you need to configure it as a Fast CGI application,​ and then add a script handler for "​pl"​ or whatever suffixes used for Perl scripts. The Perl CGI daemon is located at 
   /​usr/​local/​lsws/​fcgi-bin/​lsperld.fpl   /​usr/​local/​lsws/​fcgi-bin/​lsperld.fpl
-   +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​other-ext-apps:​lsperld-ext-app.png?600 |}}
-As "lsperld.fpl" utilizes the Fast CGI interface, you need to install Perl Fast CGI module FCGI.pm first. It is available at CPAN(Comprehensive Perl Archive Network).+
-On CentOS7, ​to add perl-CPAN package first.+{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​other-ext-apps:​lsperld-ext-app-handler.png?​600 |}} 
 +    <​extProcessor>​ 
 +      <​type>​fcgi</​type>​ 
 +      <​name>​PerlFastCGI</​name>​ 
 +      <​address>​uds://​tmp/​lshttpd/​perl.sock</​address>​ 
 +      <​maxConns>​35</​maxConns>​ 
 +      <​env>​FCGI_PERL_MAX_REQ=1000</​env>​ 
 +      <​env>​LSAPI_CHILDREN=35</​env>​ 
 +      <​initTimeout>​60</​initTimeout>​ 
 +      <​retryTimeout>​0</​retryTimeout>​ 
 +      <​persistConn>​1</​persistConn>​ 
 +      <​pcKeepAliveTimeout>​30</​pcKeepAliveTimeout>​ 
 +      <​respBuffer>​0</​respBuffer>​ 
 +      <​autoStart>​1</​autoStart>​ 
 +      <​path>/​usr/​local/​lsws/​fcgi-bin/​lsperld.fpl</​path>​ 
 +      <​backlog>​100</​backlog>​ 
 +      <​instances>​1</​instances>​ 
 +      <​memSoftLimit>​2074M</​memSoftLimit>​ 
 +      <​memHardLimit>​2074M</​memHardLimit>​ 
 +      <​procSoftLimit>​400</​procSoftLimit>​ 
 +      <​procHardLimit>​500</​procHardLimit>​ 
 +    </​extProcessor>​ 
 +   <​scriptHandler>​ 
 +      <​suffix>​pl</​suffix>​ 
 +      <​type>​fcgi</​type>​ 
 +      <​handler>​PerlFastCGI</​handler>​ 
 +    </​scriptHandler>​ 
 +Restart LiteSpeed Web Server. 
 +==== Testing on cPanel ==== 
 +For a perl or CGI script to run in control panel environment,​ normally you should place the script in a designated directory such as /cgi-bin/ otherwise, it may not work. 
 +You can create a simple test script hello.pl under /cgi-bin/ 
 +  #​!/​usr/​bin/​perl 
 +  use strict; 
 +  use warnings; 
 +  print "​Content-type:​ text/​html\n\n";​ 
 +  print("​Hello World\n"​);​ 
 +You can also run perl from the command line to verify the error:  
 +  perl -w hello.pl 
 +Visiting https://​yourdomain.com/​cgi-bin/​hello.pl from the browser to see if it works. 
 +If it works from the command line but doesn'​t work from the browser, most likely it caused by "​x"​ permission issue. perl or CGI script will need "​x"​ permission to everyone.  
 +  chmod 755 hello.pl 
 +Perl script errors are beyond our support scope and you are encouraged to google only for solutions. You can check [https://​docs.cpanel.net/​knowledge-base/​general-systems-administration/​troubleshooting-guide-for-perl-and-cgi-scripts/​|cPanel doc] to troubelshoot similar cgi/perl issue on cPanel. ​  
 +===== For LSWS Native Configuration ===== 
 +==== Perl FastCGI for LSWS native configuration ==== 
 +For LSWS native configuration,​ you also need to set up the Fast CGI application and add a script handler for "​pl"​. 
 +As ''​lsperld.fpl''​ utilizes the Fast CGI interface, it is usually already configured for control panel environments. That may not be the case in a LSWS + bare OS situation. You may need to install the Perl Fast CGI module ''​FCGI.pm''​. 
 +The Perl Fast CGI module is available at CPAN(Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). 
 +On CentOS7, add the ''​perl-CPAN'' ​package first:
   yum install epel-release   yum install epel-release
   yum install gcc   yum install gcc
   yum install perl-CPAN   yum install perl-CPAN
   ​   ​
-The following command can be used to install FCGI.pm through CPAN: +The following command can be used to install ​''​FCGI.pm'' ​through CPAN: 
   perl -MCPAN -e '​install FCGI' ​   perl -MCPAN -e '​install FCGI' ​
-Without perl-CPAN package installed, ​the above installation may run into the following error:+On a CentOS box, you can install ''​perl-CGI''​ and ''​perl-FCGI''​ packages through: 
 +  yum install perl-CGI 
 +Verify the installed location of ''​FCGI.pm''​. 
 +  find / -name FCGI.pm 
 +  /​usr/​lib64/​perl5/​vendor_perl/​FCGI.pm 
 +In order to deal with the increasing memory usage of a persistent process, the number of requests that a Perl daemon can process is controlled by an environment variable ''​FCGI_PERL_MAX_REQ''​. The default value is ''​500''​. 
 +For example: ''​FCGI_PERL_MAX_REQ=1000''​. 
 +Restart LSWS to make the changes effective. 
 +==== Testing ==== 
 +Place a test script called ''​test.pl''​ in the document root of one of your virtual hosts:  
 +  #​!/​usr/​bin/​perl 
 +  print "​Content-type:​text/​html\n\n";​ 
 +  print <<​EndOfHTML;​ 
 +  <​html><​head><​title>​Perl Environment Variables</​title></​head>​ 
 +  <​body>​ 
 +  <​h1>​Perl Environment Variables</​h1>​ 
 +  EndOfHTML 
 +  foreach $key (sort(keys %ENV)) { 
 +    print "$key = $ENV{$key}<​br>​\n";​ 
 +  } 
 +  print "</​body></​html>";​ 
 +You should see something similar to the following when visting ''<​nowiki>​http://​yourdomain.com/​test.pl</​nowiki>''​ 
 +Perl Environment Variables 
 +DOCUMENT_ROOT = /​usr/​local/​lsws/​DEFAULT/​html 
 +HTTP_ACCEPT = text/​html,​application/​xhtml+xml,​application/​xml;​q=0.9,​image/​webp,​image/​apng,​*/​*;​q=0.8 
 +HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = gzip, deflate 
 +HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = en-US,​en;​q=0.9 
 +HTTP_CONNECTION = keep-alive 
 +HTTP_COOKIE = SESS3d805002e809eafb1aa4295801ff28d0=AXgcoPkfgngK9KYuHS4wIn9eVLHEndfHAy7Ys9Gnj4M;​ COMBIN=2e9910cb4771588a621ae6371c01550bdbe3e6d498788981dca50a1ab6bef6d3;​ COMINF=bypass_varnish 
 +HTTP_HOST =​8088 
 +HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/​537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/​65.0.3325.181 Safari/​537.36 
 +LSAPI_PADDING = leave_some_room_to_avoid_overwrite_important_env 
 +PATH = /​bin:/​usr/​bin:/​usr/​local/​bin 
 +REMOTE_PORT = 4322 
 +REQUEST_URI = /test.pl 
 +SCRIPT_FILENAME = /​usr/​local/​lsws/​DEFAULT/​html/​test.pl 
 +SCRIPT_NAME = /test.pl 
 +SERVER_PORT = 8088 
 +===== Troubleshooting ===== 
 +==== Installation error on LSWS native ==== 
 +Without ​the ''​perl-CPAN'' ​package installed, installation may run into the following error:
   Can't locate CPAN.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /​usr/​local/​lib64/​perl5 /​usr/​local/​share/​perl5 /​usr/​lib64/​perl5/​vendor_perl /​usr/​share/​perl5/​vendor_perl /​usr/​lib64/​perl5 /​usr/​share/​perl5 .).   Can't locate CPAN.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /​usr/​local/​lib64/​perl5 /​usr/​local/​share/​perl5 /​usr/​lib64/​perl5/​vendor_perl /​usr/​share/​perl5/​vendor_perl /​usr/​lib64/​perl5 /​usr/​share/​perl5 .).
   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
-In order to deal with increasing memory usage of a persistent processnumber of requests that Perl daemon can process ​is controlled by an environment variable FCGI_PERL_MAX_REQdefault ​is 500+  
-For exampleFCGI_PERL_MAX_REQ=1000.+Without installing ''​FCGI.pm''​you may run into the following error in ''​stderr.log''​ and see 503 error on screen. 
 +   ​[STDERR] Can't locate FCGI.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /​usr/​local/​lib64/​perl5 /​usr/​local/​share/​perl5 /​usr/​lib64/​perl5/​vendor_perl /​usr/​share/​perl5/​vendor_perl /​usr/​lib64/​perl5 /​usr/​share/​perl5 .) at /​usr/​local/​lsws/​fcgi-bin/​lsperld.fpl line 3 
 +==== lscgid: execve() No such file error ==== 
 +A simple test perl script on a cPanel server runs into the following error and generates a 500 error code: 
 +  lscgid: execve():/​home/​user1/​public_html/​test.pl:​ No such file or directory 
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​other-ext-apps:​perl-lscgid-execve-nosuchfile-error.png?​600 |}} 
 +But ''/​home/​user1/​public_html/​test.pl''​ //does// exist. So why the ''​No such file or directory''​ error? 
 +Inspect the file in vi: 
 +  cd /​home/​user1/​public_html/​ 
 +  vi test.pl 
 +There is a ''​^M''​ at the end of each linewhich means the file is in DOS/Windows format, not Unix format: 
 +  #​!/​usr/​bin/​perl^M 
 +  print "​Content-type:​text/​html\n\n";​^M 
 +  print <<​EndOfHTML;​^M 
 +  <​html><​head><​title>​Perl Environment Variables</​title></​head>​^M 
 +  <​body>​^M 
 +  <​h1>​Perl Environment Variables</​h1>​^M 
 +  EndOfHTML^M 
 +  foreach $key (sort(keys %ENV)) {^M 
 +    print "$key = $ENV{$key}<​br>​\n";​^M 
 +  }^M 
 +  print "</​body></​html>";​ 
 +To test further, try: 
 +  [[ $(file test.pl) =~ CRLF ]] && echo dos 
 +It returns: 
 +  dos 
 +Because of the difference in DOS vs Unix format, LiteSpeed lscgid can not recognize the ''​test.pl''​ file. Hence the ''​No such file or directory''​ error. 
 +To fix the issue, you will need to convert from DOS format to Unix. There are many ways to do so, including the following ''​awk''​ command: 
 +  mv test.pl test.pl.dos 
 +  awk '​sub("​$",​ "​\r"​)'​ test.pl.dos > test.pl 
 +You can inspect ''​test.pl''​ again in vi to verify the file format. You should no longer see the trailing ''​^M''​ in each line. 
 +  #​!/​usr/​bin/​perl 
 +  print "​Content-type:​text/​html\n\n";​ 
 +  print <<​EndOfHTML;​ 
 +  <​html><​head><​title>​Perl Environment Variables</​title></​head>​ 
 +  <​body>​ 
 +  <​h1>​Perl Environment Variables</​h1>​ 
 +  EndOfHTML 
 +  foreach $key (sort(keys %ENV)) { 
 +  print "​$key ​$ENV{$key}<​br>​\n";​ 
 +  }  
 +After the conversion, you should find the perl script is working perfectly
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2023/03/25 14:06
  • by Lisa Clarke