Release Log 2021-01-29 21:01:17 LSCache for Shopware provides highly customizable tag-based caching and purge for your Shopware site. Optimize your shop for peak loads and provide an exceptional user experience!

LSCache Extension for Shopware
Release Log

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LiteSpeed Cache Extension for Shopware is frequently updated with new features and bug fixes.

LSCache Extension 2.1.0 (01-26-2021)New Feature, Update & Bugfix

  • NEW FEATURE Add new 'Purge URL Cache' GUI option.
  • UPDATE Add new 'Auto Purge at Checkout' GUI option.
  • BUGFIX Use correct time zone when lscache plugin logs are enabled.

LSCache Extension 2.0.0 (01-02-2021)Improvement & Bugfix

  • IMPROVEMENT Add support for Shopware's 'Stay Logged In'/'Remember Me' feature.
  • BUGFIX Correct an issue with auto purging.

LSCache Extension 1.4.2 (7-30-2020)New Feature

  • NEW FEATURE Add 'Cache Var Cookies' option to GUI to support varying cache on specific cookies.

LSCache Extension 1.4.1 (6-03-2020)Bugfix

  • BUGFIX Guest mode should now work when a subshop is running as a standalone website.

LSCache Extension 1.4.0 (1-29-2020)Update

  • UPDATE Add 'Cache Vary on subshop shopID' option to GUI to allow this feature to be toggled.

LSCache Extension 1.3.4 (1-22-2020)Updates

  • UPDATE Handle ESI rendering errors caused by incorrect settings and show related error message in the HTML output of those ESI blocks.
  • UPDATE Prevent expired user sessions from being cached.

LSCache Extension 1.3.3 (12-10-2019)Bugfix

  • BUGFIX Correct a tax calculation problem.

LSCache Extension 1.3.2 (12-02-2019)Update

  • UPDATE Add 'Do not Cache for Logged-in users' option to GUI.

LSCache Extension 1.3.1 (11-18-2019)Update

  • UPDATE Add 'Auto Purge Private Cache When Post Back' option to GUI to allow this feature to be toggled.

LSCache Extension 1.3.0 (10-16-2019)Update

  • UPDATE Add optional argument 'threads' to warmup cli command to override setting value in GUI.

LSCache Extension 1.2.3 (10-15-2019)Bugfix

  • BUGFIX Encountering problems when uninstalling the plugin no longer causes httpcache to stop working.

LSCache Extension 1.2.2 (9-26-2019)New Feature & Update

  • NEW FEATURE Add 'parallel warm up threads' feature and GUI option.
  • UPDATE Auto-disable 'guest mode' when privately cached 3rd party widgets post back.

LSCache Extension 1.2.1 (9-24-2019)New Feature

  • NEW FEATURE Auto-purge private widget cache when posting back from this widget.

LSCache Extension 1.2.0 (8-25-2019)Update

  • UPDATE Add 'guest mode' option to GUI to allow this feature to be toggled off to improve warm up speed.

LSCache Extension 1.1.1 (7-16-2019)New Features, & Bug Fixes

  • NEW FEATURE Improve speed with new "Guest Mode" feature.
  • BUGFIX Address a "warmup" console command bug in shopware v5.4+.

LSCache Extension 1.1 (2-14-2019)New Features, Improvements, & Bug Fixes

  • NEW FEATURE Added two CLI commands:
    php bin/console litespeedcache:warmup
    php bin/console litespeedcache:purgeall
  • UPDATE Improved cache warmup performance.
  • UPDATE Added support for Shopware 5.4+.
  • BUGFIX Fixed the UI cache warmup problem.

LSCache Extension 1.0(1-24-2019) New Features & Updates

  • NEW FEATURE "Compare" is now a private cache block that refreshes when the "Add to compare" button is clicked.
  • NEW FEATURE "Add to favorite" button now refreshes shopping cart private cache block.
  • NEW FEATURE Added crontab job support.
  • UPDATE Shopping cart is now in public cache until user logs in or adds an item to the cart.
  • UPDATE Admin menu Configuration->Cache/Performance->Clear Shop Cache now also clears all LiteSpeed Cache.
  • UPDATE LiteSpeed Cache log file (disbaled by default) is now stored in /shopware_root/var/log/.

LSCache Plugin 1.0 Beta(1-11-2019)Initial Release

  • NEW FEATURE Automatically purge related pages after modifying Product/Category/Blog/Banner data.
  • NEW FEATURE Automatically purge ESI cart module after adding a product to the cart or editing the cart.
  • NEW FEATURE Warm up LiteSpeed Cache feature will crawl all sitemap URLs to warm up the page cache.
  • NEW FEATURE Add/Edit/Remove cached controllers.
  • NEW FEATURE Add/Edit/Remove cached widgets.
  • NEW FEATURE Add/Edit/Remove url path to exclude from cache.
  • NEW FEATURE Enable cache for logged-in users.