Compare Litespeed Apache nginx 2021-01-19 18:03:32 Thinking about a new web server? Compare LiteSpeed, Apache, and ngAinx. Learn about the differences and similarities in performance, security, cost effectiveness, and more!

How Does LiteSpeed Compare to Apache and nginx?

Thinking about switching to LiteSpeed Web Server?
Learn about the differences and similarities between LiteSpeed, Apache, and nginx.

Best of Both Worlds

LiteSpeed Web Server is often compared directly to Apache, as it was designed to be a drop-in-replacement. But LiteSpeed Web Server is not based on Apache code. In fact, it has more in common with nginx, when you look under the hood.

Like nginx, LSWS was built from the ground up to use an event-driven architecture, which is more efficient and better-performing than Apache's process-based model. But unlike nginx, LSWS was designed to understand Apache's configuration files, mod_security rules, and mod_rewrite rules. And it supports .htaccess natively, in a much more efficient way. Because of this compatibility, LiteSpeed Web Server may be used with any control panel that was written for Apache, including cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin.

With LiteSpeed, you get the best of both worlds: event-driven scalability similar to nginx, and the ability to use familiar and ubiquitous Apache tools for all of your management tasks.


As important as ease-of-management is, it means nothing if your web server of choice doesn't perform well. LiteSpeed's benchmarks, when compared to nginx and Apache, speak for themselves. When you switch to LiteSpeed Web Server, you can be confident that your sites will experience measurable improvements in speed.

LiteSpeed's simpler stack and intelligent cache give it an edge. With LiteSpeed's advanced built-in cache engine, you can eliminate the need for the HTTPS reverse proxies or additional third party caching layers required with Apache. Plus, LiteSpeed stores compressed cache files, where nginx does not.

Compare LiteSpeed Apache nginx benchmarks


LiteSpeed Web Server conserves resources without sacrificing performance, security, compatibility, or convenience.

Security is a serious concern, which is why Litespeed supports ModSecurity rules (just like Apache and nginx do), but it does so without compromising on performance, thanks to LiteSpeed Web Server’s efficient implementation. LSWS also ships with reCAPTCHA support, WordPress brute force attack protection, and other cutting-edge anti-DDoS measures.


Free is not necessarily free. If you are looking to switch web servers, then chances are you are at a crossroads with your current Apache setup. You need more capacity to support more traffic, but do you switch to nginx and incur the cost of retraining your staff? Do you purchase more hardware to increase your current capacity? Or do you try LiteSpeed?

LiteSpeed offers pricing levels for virtually any server size (even including a FREE option), and LiteSpeed Web Server runs superbly whether on your own hardware, in virtual space or in the cloud. And LiteSpeed's pricing is very competitive when compared to achieving similar capacity with hardware expansion.

LiteSpeed's focus on efficiency and performance directly translates into results you can monetize. LSWS allows you to maximize the return on your hardware investment and lower your operating costs. Your servers’ raw handling capacity will increase so significantly as to provide a substantial return on investment.

Try LiteSpeed for Free!

A 15-day trial license for LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise provides an opportunity to evaluate our software in your own environment at no charge.