Search results

  1. M

    mod_status equivalent?

    I want to see this in 4.0.
  2. M

    Performance Tuning

    The same is happening on my forums on topics with many images/attachments. If there is a grace period for hard limit, it would eliminate many banned IPs of legitimate users. Most of the IPs are using Opera, it seems to open many connections to download the files on a page.
  3. M

    Litespeed license expired, server downtime caused, but license was prolonged...

    If i bought an owned license, does something get hard coded on my server so it does not need to check if license is still valid on a daily basis?
  4. M

    Limit Download Accelerator Connections

    In this case, does dynamic generated content refer to the files served through php?
  5. M

    404 if file too big?

    Most other webserver support >2G files. LS should support it. It's a critical feature.
  6. M

    lsapi packet too large

    I agree, it should have more features than other web servers, such as nginx.
  7. M

    static and dynamic requests/s in log

    There is no way to tell if the values are high enough so logging them will be a great idea.
  8. M

    litespeed and nginx

    How is nginx dynamic performance compared with litespeed?
  9. M

    send buffer size?

    How to find the default socket size?
  10. M

    send buffer size?

    My default OS send and receive buffer size is 16777216. However, the web console says 65,535 is the max. Which value will it use if the default is bigger than that? How come it's only 65,535 max?
  11. M

    Quick Edit and iowait

    10MB is more than enough in most cases? Why not make LSWS uses as much memory as possible, instead of use disk buffer?
  12. M

    request body size?

    What's a reasonable request body and dynamic request body size? I see some erros about request body size too big form legitimate users. I use the default values now. I'm hosting a forum and multimedia site on my server.
  13. M

    lsphp process

    Every time my server load is high, I noticed there are a lot of processes running according to the graphs. Normal is around 120 processes, when it's high, there are close to 150. Are these lsphp processes?
  14. M


    If I am hosting only one mysql/php site, is it a good idea to set LSAPI_AVOID_FORK to 1 in lsapi php environmental variables?
  15. M

    New benchmarks?

    I want to see some benchmark against nginx.
  16. M

    CPU usage consumption

    My server has similar issues.
  17. M

    send buffer size?

    What's a good send buffer size if serve multimedia files ranging from 100-300MB? And how to find out the default OS send and receive buffer size? I noticed high loads when serving these multimedia files for the first time today. And iowait is very high. free -m total...
  18. M

    real-time stats

    What's Pool, In Use, and Idle mean under Extermal Application, lsphp4 in real-time stats bottom?
  19. M

    New benchmarks?

    Litespeed kicked Zeus’s ass
  20. M


    Litespeed http real time server-status page is lacking in comparision to Apache. i hope it will receive a complete makeover and will be similar to lighttpd or better! It shows a lot of information and even can sort the columns descending/ascending.