Search results

  1. S

    Trial key

    When I fill out the trial form and click submit at : I get: An error has occurred while processing your request. If the problem persists, please alert site admin via All errors are logged for administrative and...
  2. S

    Typo in the XSS filter

    There's a typo in the request filter for XSS at the bottom: "KeyPrerss"
  3. S

    getting tons of these

    What version are you using? And not to sound pedantic but "tons of these"?
  4. S

    LSWS 4.1RC1 release

    Does the latest 4.1RC1 includes the recent buffer overflow fix?
  5. S

    LiteSpeed 4.0.6 + 5.2.10 - 503 Errors

    It's probably something that has to do with php 5.2.10, try downgrading it if you're out of options.
  6. S

    1CPU-Core license for VPS

    You can run Litespeed on RapidXen's lowest VPS plan if anything... It all comes down to how much traffic you are getting and what specifically you are hosting. The VPS plan you have should be as powerful as a dedicated server, so it's definently appropriate machine to run Litespeed. Don't...
  7. S

    1CPU-Core license for VPS

    Yes you can. You can't use the VPS license on dedicated hardware. As for if it's good to install Litespeed... You're asking this on the litespeed forum, do you expect a "no"? :)
  8. S


    Check the php section at
  9. S

    Download links All pointing to version 3.3.19 instead of *20.
  10. S

    Trial for 4 cores?

    Is there a trial for the 4 cores? Also I find it a bit hard to find out how many cores is Litespeed currently utilizing (is it in "binding", so if it shows "process 1" "process 2" it means it uses 2 cores?).