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  1. andych

    Setting up SSL

    Is setting SSL Chain mandatory?
  2. andych

    Setting up SSL

    I just bought SSL certificate, and now I would like to install on my server. the question is what is Private Key File ?? Is it the ---BEGIN CSR REQUEST ---thing? and this is what I got from the SSL vendor: ServerCertificate.cer Should I put on Certificate File coloumn?
  3. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    Just done that kernel modification, let's see if error persists or not. Thanks heaps for your help!
  4. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    I restarted LSWS and now it's working, but that issue always happening from time to time. forum script is just fine, never encountered this issue with apache though.. posible LSWS memory leak?
  5. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    suddenly my LSWS got timed-out (if I open www) then I tried to visit LSWS admin, I got: 503 service unavailable. I checked on the terminal, is like this: top - 17:13:17 up 20 days, 18:28, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.03, 0.05 Tasks: 77 total, 1 running, 76 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0...
  6. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    Hi @NiteWave, I just set the permission recursively to nobody:nogroup and now permission issue has been fixed. Will this lead security issue if I have multiple users within the server? Hi @redstrike, thank you for your clue man, it really helps and I really appreciate it!
  7. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    @NiteWave: Thank you for your reply, I just set to individual user but having write issue, so I set to nobody:nobody, is it okay? Exim only delivers locally, any idea how to set it deliver remote as well?
  8. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    And is it safe to set public_html -R chown to nobody:nogroup? while I have multiple vhosts.
  9. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    Hi, I just tested and I got this on /var/log/exim4/mainlog: 2015-01-03 16:32:57 1Y7L4r-0001Bk-HW <= U=nobody P=local S=442 2015-01-03 16:32:57 1Y7L4r-0001Bk-HW ** R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported 2015-01-03 16:32:57...
  10. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    @NiteWave: Thank you for your reply. I've successfully installed LSWS on Debian minimal install with the following PHP build: '--with-mysql' '--with-mysqli' '--with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' '--with-zlib' '--with-gd' '--enable-shmop' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvmsg'...
  11. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

  12. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    5. What is the best file system for SQL? Is it EXT4 or XFS?
  13. andych

    [Ask] Server Build Advice

    Hi, I would like to build a new server focused to host single domain only with LiteSpeed + MySQL. 1. What Operating System is the best for LSWS? I'm considering about Debian 7 or FreeBSD. 2. What File System ia the best for hosting PHP File with some static files? I'm considering about...
  14. andych

    Setting PHP without timeout

    Server->Tuning->Connection Timeout (secs) => 45 Server->External App->lsphp5->Initial Request Timeout (secs) => 60
  15. andych

    Setting PHP without timeout

    still killed at 45th second.
  16. andych

    Setting PHP without timeout

    Yes, it is :)
  17. andych

    Setting PHP without timeout

    I set: max_execution_time = 900in php.ini but PHP apps still killed at 45 secs. It returns me the following error page:
  18. andych

    Setting PHP without timeout

    How do we do this? Because I had a lots of 500 and 503 Internal Server Errors, so I want LS to allow PHP running indefinitely. Because my PHP apps had a lots of processing time (e.g.: doing MySQL Maintenances, etc) I don't have any clue how to set this (I mean the values to change)
  19. andych

    Litespeed PHP SMTP Mail NOT WORKING

    ironically all of my mail clients are working fine when sending mail through the same SMTP (provided by ISP) so I think it's not my ISP's fault.
  20. andych

    [solved] Give option robots.txt for each vhosts

    Hi NiteWave, thank you for confirming :)