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  1. F

    LSWS 5.0 and IE

    Yes, it works fine on 4.2.23. I upgraded to 5.0 again after that and it's still no good.
  2. F

    LSWS 5.0 and IE

    IE 11.0. I upgraded from 4.2.21 to 5.0 build 5.
  3. F

    LSWS 5.0 and IE

    Hi, after upgrading to LSWS 5 build 5, images and style-sheets do not want to load in IE (only the requested page it looks like). The site is served over TLS, and it works fine in Chrome using HTTP/2. We reverted back to 4 for now. Any ideas?
  4. F

    php.ini location not being set

    Yep, that's what it looks like.
  5. F

    php.ini location not being set

    I added the PHPRC environment variable and it now works. Will -c not work again?
  6. F

    php.ini location not being set

    Hello, After I upgraded LSWS to 4.2.4 and PHP LSAPI to 6.3, my command-line options for specifying the php.ini location aren't working. This is the external app command I've always been using: $SERVER_ROOT/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 -c /home/user/conf/php.ini phpinfo() is showing that no configuration...
  7. F

    [Resolved] ZendOptimizerPlus

    It appears to be working fine for me with LSAPI 6.2. Thank you! Edit: After adding "litespeed" to the list **
  8. F

    PHP 5.5.0 Zend OPcache

    Since APC is incompatible with PHP 5.5.0, I resorted to the now built-in Zend OPcache extension. But unfortunately, it doesn't work with LSAPI. phpinfo says "Opcode Caching is only supported in Apache, ISAPI, FPM and FastCGI SAPIs" Do you have any plans on implementing Opcache into the SAPI...
  9. F

    [solved] Build PHP with LSAPI

    I can confirm that PHP 5.5.0 builds fine with LSAPI 6.2 (when only .c and .h files are replaced). Thanks
  10. F

    [solved] Build PHP with LSAPI

    Thanks for the help
  11. F

    [solved] Build PHP with LSAPI

    Is there a way to override the version of APC the admin console downloads?
  12. F

    [solved] Build PHP with LSAPI

    I get the error from my original post when compiling. It only happens when I use the latest sapi source files.
  13. F

    [solved] Build PHP with LSAPI

    Can it be built from the command line without LSWS?
  14. F

    [solved] Build PHP with LSAPI

    Hi, is it possible to build PHP 5.4.15 from source with LSAPI 6.2? I replaced the LSAPI files in the source with the 6.2 ones, but it won't compile. Says "make: *** No rule to make target `litespeed', needed by `all'. Stop." I believe PHP still comes with 5.5.