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  1. M

    Equivalent to Apache ListenBacklog

    Thank you this helps quite a bit in understanding what is going on. You guys have a very nice product that looks to work very well, I have worked with quite a few of your enterprise level servers so far and the speed difference over Apache is noticable. But if there is no documentation for...
  2. M

    Equivalent to Apache ListenBacklog

    In the httpd.conf we have an include of php.conf: Include "/usr/local/apache/conf/php.conf" which has the following in it: --- # LibPHP5 configuration LoadModule php5_module modules/ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php5 .php4 .php .php3 .php2 .phtml # End of autogenerated PHP...
  3. M

    Equivalent to Apache ListenBacklog

    Thank you very much for your reply! Is there any documentation regarding what exactly LiteSpeed pulls from the httpd.conf and what it does not? It has to be pulling the Vhost entries, is it pulling anything else from it?
  4. M

    Equivalent to Apache ListenBacklog

    I guess what I am trying to figure out is how much is pulled from the httpd.conf for optimizations if any, how much is over-ruled by the LiteSpeed web interface if any and more detailed information on how they interact. I set the MaxClients and ListenBacklog in httpd.conf both to 1 and then got...
  5. M

    Equivalent to Apache ListenBacklog

    I was wondering if there was an equivalent setting to Apache's ListenBacklog and how I might change it, I looked around in the webinterface as well as searched for ListenBacklog in the forums: Thanks!