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  1. A

    LiteSpeed and OpenX

    We have one ad server running OpenX 2.8.2 and working pretty well. Here's output of OpenX 2.8.2 admin UI -->Configuration-->Product updates: "You are currently using OpenX v2.8.2 running on LiteSpeed, PHP 5.2.6 and MySQL 5.0.51a-community" LiteSpeed is 4.0.11. what php version are you using? I...
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    Req In Process Versus Req / sec

    so most of the time(81.22%) is trying to read something, maybe infinite loop in php script? can further trace what the lsphp5 process is trying to read: #strace -e read -p xxx -o info.txt check info.txt, see if something unusual.
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    Req In Process Versus Req / sec

    when it's worse again, strace the busiest lsphp5 process. in the above top output, it's the one pid=25487 then #strace -c -p 25487 (until it quits automatically) paste the output here, let's see if we can get any clue from it.
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    Req In Process Versus Req / sec

    can you post the output of "top" here?
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    Req In Process Versus Req / sec

    then please check: IOWait (can simply check it by top) memory limit for php process
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    PHP build not works

    looks like you're using old version LSWS. upgrade to latest 4.0.10, the error will be gone. by the latest LSAPI(for PHP) is:
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    Req In Process Versus Req / sec

    there was a similar case before when bottleneck is at MySQL. a tip to check MySQL performance: #mysqladmin processlist
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    cpanel php 5.2.10 l,tespeed 4.0.10 making error

    there are some posts in this forum saying php5.2.10 not stable. try a google search php 5.2.10 to find more. here's one: you may try php 5.3 as the above post suggested.
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    AuthUserFile relative still bug ?

    in my debian box, put .htpasswd under /usr/local/apache, it works. looks like a bug :)
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    Rewrite rules won't 'take'

    try RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^mysite\.ca$ [NC] RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301] RewriteRule ^/$ [L,R=301]
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    DDos and hardware to work well with Litespeed

    you have 2 core(Xeon dual core), the full load is 200%. So in total, the CPU is not full loaded. but 2280 mysql 21 6 146m 105m 3864 S 118.4 3.2 928:32.47 mysqld mysqld has exceeded 100%(118.4%) so apparently the bottleneck is at mysqld process. p.s., what's upper part of "top" output?
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    /usr/bin/mailx: invalid option -- b

    your mailx is not the default one for Debian. Below is from my Debian: # mailx --help mailx: invalid option -- - usage: mailx [-eIinv] [-a header] [-b bcc-addr] [-c cc-addr] [-s subject] to-addr [...] [-- sendmail-options [...]] mailx [-eIiNnv] -f [name] mailx...
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    Permissions messed up in 4.0.10

    I have had similar issue and resolved. see if following setting works for you: chown lsadm:www-data $SERVER_ROOT/conf chmod 710 $SERVER_ROOT/conf update: looks a bit different with your case. FYI only.
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    Need some tips for tuning the web server

    have you tried to disable some wordpress plugins, e.g. W3 total cache, see if any difference? for lsphp5(pid=25210) has 320% cpu usage, can trace it to see if it's blocked by whatever system call: ~>strace -c -p 25210 run it for some seconds, then Ctrl+C, to check the output.
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    4.0.10 suEXEC

    so only user/group lsadm can read httpd_config.xml. what user to run lshttpd? you can check this by "ps -ef|grep lshttpd"
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    4.0.10 suEXEC

    please give the output of "ls -l" of current/parent directory,should be permission issues.
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    Directory doesn't exist... :( 404, cannot be found

    this looks ok. then output of ls -l file ?
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    Directory doesn't exist... :( 404, cannot be found

    did you make directory under document root? maybe unix/linux file permission issue. please paste the output of ls -l directory-you-create
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    lsws admin panel -- need help

    edit your lsws/admin/conf/admin_config.xml it should be like this: <security> <accessControl> <allow>ALL</allow> <deny></deny> </accessControl> </security>
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    "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."

    we experienced a similar error, finally found it's a Firefox 3 issue(maybe 3.5 has fixed it) Firefox3 Timeout Problem its error message is connection timeout not connection reset.