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  1. L

    How do I create a reverse proxy like Apache?

    Hi, on a shared server, I need to serve all requests to a URL ( through another local server. In Apache, I put: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /path/to/files/ ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /...
  2. L

    FastCGI on shared host

    Thanks for the forum! I want to run a FastCGI app on my shared host. The host informed me that they do not have vhosts set up through litespeed via the admin console i.e. they have no "Virtual Host" tab, thus no "Context" tab to set a directory wide handler for the app. They also have...
  3. L

    FastCGI on shared host

    Hi! I use a shared host running Litespeed and want to run my entire site with a FastCGI app. They couldn't figure out how to do it, so I set up litespeed on my Mac using "External App" and "Context" and it worked perfectly. However, when I explained to them how to do it, they said their...