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  1. C

    OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160

    12.04 lts, openssl updated, lsup also to 4.2.9, also confirm the timeout heartbleed response. Almost zero traffic on https at the testing time.
  2. C

    Reverse proxy question

    Rewrite, I never thought to go that way, ok super thank you. Going to have to give some time back to learning mod_rewrite I suspect :) I modified it slightly to permit /shop working. RewriteRule /shop(.*)$ http://nginx_shop_srv/$1 [P] Thanks.
  3. C

    Reverse proxy question

    Hi, Trying the enterprise 2cpu atm. Trying to replicate a nginx/apache combo which utilises some reverse proxying of folders to multiple app servers. So goes to another php shop vm server. .com/news to a rails app, you get the idea. Each of these 'proxied' apps run...