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  1. R

    [RESOLVED] Core dumps not generated in PHP 5.3

    Thanks a lot for your help! I found that lsws/fcgi-bin was only writable to root. Opening it to litespeed did the trick. So it seems that the core dump location moved at some point from the php script dir to the lsphp5 dir. And from the core dumps, it seems that they're occuring during...
  2. R

    [RESOLVED] Core dumps not generated in PHP 5.3

    Thanks for the reply. I ran "echo `ulimit -a`" from a php script through litespeed and it looks like core file size is correctly set to unlimited: core file size (blocks, -c) unlimited data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size...
  3. R

    [RESOLVED] Core dumps not generated in PHP 5.3

    Hi, I've been trying to debug php crashes. The problem is similar to what others have posted here in the past - 503 errors, load goes through the roof, etc. We've tried several different combinations of php, litespeed, and apc. PHP 5.3.1 with APC and LSAPI 5.3 seems to be working best...