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  1. M

    AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES support

    @mistwang: thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work :)
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    AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES support

    That is good to read, thanks! :)
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    AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES support

    just and update, I've made some tests with Apache and both worked :S I'm wondering this is still under dev or not tested enough for LSWS?
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    AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES support

    I've got another question regarding this issue, this is what he was trying to do: <FilesMatch "\.combined\.css$"> Options +Includes AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES text/css SetOutputFilter INCLUDES </FilesMatch> So since you said it wasn't supported he used AddOutputFilter instead...
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    AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES support

    @mistwang: thanks a bunch :)
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    AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES support

    I was wondering if AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES is supported by LiteSpeed, as I'm seeing it is not affecting a customer's site. Is there a complete list of what doesn't work 100% with LiteSpeed? Thanks
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    [solved] htaccess and gzip

    Oh my bad, Auto update static was activated and it is saving now on the Swap directory, I got a little confused about the static gzip cache directory which is pretty much by default swap dir unless specified. Thanks for your help guys, you really rock :)
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    [solved] htaccess and gzip

    @webizen: thanks, it is not activated :)
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    [solved] htaccess and gzip

    @NiteWave: Yeah I've done that test too and it is not being gzipped, I can PM you the URL if you want to confirm :) thanks.
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    [solved] htaccess and gzip

    Oh I was aware of that :) the style I'm trying to reach is about 88K so it should be compressed, the min and max values are 300B / 1M so I'm still unsure what could be this issue, thanks for the quick response NiteWave.
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    [solved] htaccess and gzip

    Hello there, I've a question about how compression works with LSWS, I have it activated and dynamic too, however it looks like it is only compressing php files and nothing else. For example if I try to go to I'll see the header Content-Encoding gzip , gut if I reach...
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    php and exec

    @Nitewave: amazing :) this should be something configured by default isn't it? at least for the ones that use it with cPanel/WHM and dual PHP. Thanks for the help!
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    php and exec

    @webizen, yes Sir, this is the output:
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    php and exec

    I'm running out of ideas, not sure what it could be but the funny thing is that this issue happens on all the servers we have. Why it can execute "which" and only be able to get the help? :(
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    php and exec

    I guess you're testing it as root, how about using a non privileged user? Thanks for the updates guys :)
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    php and exec

    Not sure if the issue is there, let me go deeper and show you with a small php script I did to print stuff over LiteSpeed: <?php // no big deal, it will just execute things and print them nice out("echo \$PATH"); out("ls /usr/bin/which"); out("ls /usr/bin/convert")...
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    php and exec

    a quick question, maybe already answered but I couldn't find anything yet, so please excuse me :) I'm using cPanel + LiteSpeed, and for example, I have the following code on a php script: <?php echo ":: ".`which convert`; ?> Which should come up with the full path of convert (part of...
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    [Solved] LiteSpeed + cPanel , it's not being restarted after adding addon domains

    @webizen, switching to Apache will cause a bigger headache than having this issue as its a production server :/
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    [Solved] LiteSpeed + cPanel , it's not being restarted after adding addon domains

    It's been always set that way :S thanks anyway webizen ;)