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  1. T

    CustomLog in a RoR site?

    Hey mistwang, Thanks. Just a FYI, we ended up moving this site to Apache + Passenger since it was a lot easier to use the 1 CustomLog line then write our own logger in Rails. We're still using LiteSpeed to server up all of our PHP though :D
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    CustomLog in a RoR site?

    Hey mistwang, Thanks for the prompt response as usual. Do you guys have plans on implementing custom log files?
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    CustomLog in a RoR site?

    Hey guys, How would I go about adding a custom log like so for my RoR site: CustomLog /path/logs/popularity_log "%{_session_id}C %U" I thought I would put it in the "Apache Style Configurations" but it doesn't like it being there. Thanks!
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    FileMatch not working?

    Yup, that was it. Strange that it was working on our old configuration. Doesn't really matter though since it's working now.
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    FileMatch not working?

    Hey guys, I am migrating some sites from an Apache environment where the following worked in my .htaccess... <FilesMatch \"test.html$\"> Order deny,allow Deny from all </FilesMatch> Doesn't seem to in LS. Anything special I need to?
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    Embed inline Ruby & HTML?

    Yup, that did it. Thanks for your help with this :D
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    Embed inline Ruby & HTML?

    Got a little farther... Disabled rewrite in /cgi-bin and now I get the following error in my logs: [] URI '/cgi-bin/eruby/register-gateway.rhtml' refers to a static file with PATH_INFO [/register-gateway.rhtml].
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    Embed inline Ruby & HTML?

    My .htaccess looks like the following: Options +Indexes RewriteEngine On RewriteRule (.*\.rhtml)$ /cgi-bin/eruby/$1 I have the .htaccess configured like so: Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch Now what happens is I get a "500 Internal Server Error" with the...
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    Embed inline Ruby & HTML?

    I disabled the Apache proxy and put that .htaccess in. Now LiteSpeed just wants to download the file instead of parsing it or throwing an error. Should I still put a MIME type in to recognize the .rhtml?
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    Embed inline Ruby & HTML?

    Yeah, I agree but couldn't get the MIME settings to work right in LS. How can I go about adding the following MIME lines to LiteSpeed to make it work? AddType application/x-httpd-eruby .rhtml Action application/x-httpd-eruby /cgi-bin/eruby Adding the AddType is easy but about about the...
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    Embed inline Ruby & HTML?

    Hey guys, I am currently using eruby + Apache to use embedded Ruby like so: This text is <% a = 100; puts "#{a}% Live!" %> This is NOT a Rails site, just HTML with inline Ruby. I found out about it while reading through the Pragmatic Programmers guide here...
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    LiteSpeed compatibility issue with cPanel > cPanel blocking LiteSpeed

    Quick question, When are you guys planning on rolling this out via the auto-update?
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    LiteSpeed compatibility issue with cPanel > cPanel blocking LiteSpeed

    Don't think so.... All I know is that for 4 straight days, LS was killed in the wee hours of the morning and this morning it was not. We have not added any accounts for atleast a week.
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    LiteSpeed compatibility issue with cPanel > cPanel blocking LiteSpeed

    Not sure if cPanel undated last night with a fix for this or what, but LiteSpeed was NOT killed last night I and HAVE NOT applied any of the fixes in this thread, or install the cron. Anyone else in my boat?
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    LiteSpeed compatibility issue with cPanel > cPanel blocking LiteSpeed

    FYI -- We too are experiencing this issue. Has there been any progress in figuring out what with the latest versions of cPanel are causing this?
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    Changing "upload_max_filesize" in php.ini has no effect

    Yup, that did it. Next up, I am using Wordpress and I have noticed files over ~500KB just don't want to upload. You think this is a LS/PHP problem, or WordPress? Basically, just wondering if you have ever seen something like this before. Cheers,
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    Changing "upload_max_filesize" in php.ini has no effect

    Hey guys, Any idea why when I change the "upload_max_filesize" variable in my php.ini it has no effect on a PHP vhost? **Edit, actually, same goes for the "upload_tmp_dir" variable. No matter what I change these to, they are not reflected in my php info script. I am editing...
  18. T

    Easy RoR & mod_rewrite...

    Hello, I did this but to still no avail. Would it matter if I am running the server (RoR) in development mode? I can't imagine so... Basically, it's like LS is ignoring the .htaccess completely and I am not sure why. Thanks for any moire help you can give! Cheers,
  19. T

    Easy RoR & mod_rewrite...

    Hey. I have enabled all of the .htaccess options on the server AND vhost level, including the Rails context but I can't get this to go. I have an empty .htaccess with only, the following 2 lines in it: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/projects/current-urban/kensington/ RewriteRule...
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    Easy RoR & mod_rewrite...

    Hey guys, I have an easy RoR template site setup and would like to apply a mod_rewrite rule to redirect some urls to other pages on the site. I would like to use the .htacess to do this since the site isn't going to be deployed on a LiteSpeed server so I can't use the rewrite tools...