Apache Migration


Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of migrating my Apache server to LiteSpeed. Currently I have both my Apache and Litespeed server running on the same machine using different ports. The reason is that I would like to continue serving up my sites using Apache until I'm happy with my LiteSpeed configuration for each of the sites. Once I'm happy with the configuration I would like to proxy the request from Apache to the Litespeed server. Only when I've completed all the site migrations will I then take down Apache.

Can I proxy requests from Apache and send them to Litespeed to serve up websites as I finish configurations for each site on Litespeed? If so, what is the best setup (ProxyPass)?? Currently I have Litespeed setup to listen on only localhost ( port 8088.


LiteSpeed Staff
I think you probably have to let LSWS listen on *:8088, and use ProxyPass or ProxyPassReverse in Apache configuration to pass request to "http://domain.com:8088/" for each site hosted on Apache.

If I were you, I would verify everything working properly on port 8088, then switch from Apache to LiteSpeed and avoid using reverse proxy.