litespeed's lsapi php cli usage incompatibility with standard php


Well-Known Member
we have a lot of scripts already hard coded to use php's CLI and takes in the standard php CLI's parameters like:

php -C -d /bla/bla.php

so when users try .../fcgi-bin/lsphp5 -C -d /bla/bla.php it does not work.

is there anyway lsphp5 can also take in the same parameters as the standard php CLI?

this is really a big problem for our users... and modifying the script is not really an option since this is a open source package and we can't rewrite every single one.


Well-Known Member
you need to build PHP twice (assuming you are doing this by hand (I've never built via the LSWS control panel)). Once you build/install as a LSAPI and the second time as cli


LiteSpeed Staff
Actually, when you build lsphp, the CLI PHP was built as well, just use the CLI binary at sapi/cli/php.

We may add a few CLI command line parameters in the future, but wont be all of them. So, please let us know what options are important.


Well-Known Member
i think what'd be important is that the parameter should take the same as standard php
so that the coders don't have an issue with incompatibility problems with litespeed servers.