PHP Compiled shows Success but still errors

PHP did compile and it shows success, however there is no directory for lsphp55, only lsphp4 lsphp5 and lsphp-5.5.8, not 55 under the fcgi-bin folder


2014-02-16 12:57:29.324ERROR[config:server:epsr:lsphp55] invalid path - /usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp55, it cannot be started by Web server!
2014-02-16 12:57:29.324ERROR[config:scripthandler] Can not find handler with type: 12, name: lsphp55.
2014-02-16 12:57:29.324ERROR[config:scripthandler] Can not find External Application: lsphp55, type: lsapi
2014-02-16 12:57:29.324ERROR[config:scripthandler] use static file handler for suffix [php55]