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  1. B

    When will support for mod_security V2 rulesets be released?

    We want to employ mod_security but want to keep up to date with rulesets as supplied by Bream. We currently can not do that with litespeed as V1.9 rules are no longer supported. What is the timeline (if any) for supporting mod_security V2 rulesets?:confused:
  2. B

    Is it possible to host RoR on Plesk without letting users require an ssh account?

    I was hoping that with Ruby_lsapi and the ability to utilise the .ls_rails_config file for routing that users would not require ssh access. (They could use ftp to upload their scripts and then by touching the .ls_rails_config file, get their controllers to reload). Has anyone done this?
  3. B

    Request Filtering not working...

    I have tried the following : Included a conf file into httpd.conf which contains... SecFilterEngine On SecServerSignature "Litespeed" SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly SecAuditLog logs/audit_log SecDebugLog logs/modsec-debug_log SecDebugLogLevel 4 SecTmpDir /tmp SecUploadKeepFiles Off...
  4. B

    Permissions on PHP file uploads are a little weird.

    Using a very basic forms/move_uploaded_file script to upload files to a host. The host is loaded via the apache httpd.conf and is set to use suexec as a particular user:group. (Server is FreeBSD 6.3). Files created with fwrite have correct user:group permissions but files uploaded with...
  5. B

    For the life of me, I can't find the destination url mentioned on the stats page.

    It's very useful to know what url is being hit when a ddos (or almost any other issue) occurs. Am I missing something really obvious here or do I have to trawl through the vhost's access log? Cheers, Brett.