Search results

  1. J

    Problem with LSAPI 1.8/PHP in 2.1.11?

    I just updated to 2.1.11 and all of my PHP apps are returning 503. It's starting lsphp, but nothing is working. I was using a hand-compiled php 5.0.5 with the 1.8 litespeed universal patch. I thought maybe I did something wrong in the compile, so I tried copying the admin_php binary that came...
  2. J

    Rewrite before reverse proxy?

    I'm using LSWS 2.1.9 and love it. You've got a great product, please keep up the good work. In my experimentation with Ruby and Rails, I've decided I want to use SCGI clustering to run my Rails app and have LSWS set up as a reverse proxy for lighttpd. This works quite well and I'm able to...
  3. J

    Content - RewriteCond case sensitive for %{REQUEST_FILENAME}

    I am running 2.1.9 std on Debian Linux. I have a static context set up for my WordPress installation with a RewriteBase of /blog/ and the following as my rewrite rules: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /blog/index.php This works fine...
  4. J

    RewriteBase support?

    I'm working with 2.1.2 (Std) and am setting up WordPress ( I'd like to use clean URLs, and WP will auto-generate the Apache rewrite rules to support this. After forcing WP to think I'm using Apache, I can get it to write out to a .htaccess file and would like to copy the...
  5. J

    Trivial typo in 2.1.2

    I noticed a trivial typo on the Server Configuration screen in 2.1.2 (Std) (url ending in /admin/config/confMgr.php?m=serv). The word "Style" is misspelled in the last section ("Apache Sytle Configurations"). So far I'm loving the software. So much nicer than Apache. Keep up the good work...