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  1. J

    right_aws gem not recognized - 503 Service Not Available

    Yes, it finally works... This is what I had to do: 1. Remove the hidden directory in my user directory sudo rm -r ~/.gem/ 2. Reinstall the two gems that were located in that .gem directory (rake needs right_http_connection in order to work). sudo gem install highline rigth_http_connection...
  2. J

    right_aws gem not recognized - 503 Service Not Available

    right_aws is installed under /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/right_aws-1.10.0 permissions are drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4.0K May 27 10:16 right_aws-1.10.0 There is no /.gem/ruby/1.8. However, there is a /home/jms/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems in which directory there are only two gems drwxr-xr-x 5 jms...
  3. J

    right_aws gem not recognized - 503 Service Not Available

    Hi mistwang I'm still trying to solve this problem. I made sure that right_aws (1.10.0) is installed with sudo and yet it LS still tells me that it doesn't find it? stderr.log output: 2009-06-14 00:41:32.290 [STDERR] Missing these required gems: right_aws You're running: ruby...
  4. J

    right_aws gem not recognized - 503 Service Not Available

    yes, gem list shows right_aws (1.10.0) and I made sure I install it with sudo gem install right_aws to be at system level
  5. J

    right_aws gem not recognized - 503 Service Not Available

    Server/Ruby Rails/Ruby Path points to /usr/local/bin/ruby which is symlinked to /usr/bin/ruby1.8. There doesn't seem to be another ruby installed. What do you mean by 'make sure to use the right now'?
  6. J

    right_aws gem not recognized - 503 Service Not Available

    I'm using the right_aws gem for Amazon S3 access in a rails application. I get a 503 Service Not Available trying to access the website. stderr.log output: 2009-05-26 19:58:21.755 [STDERR] Missing these required gems: right_aws You're running: ruby at...
  7. J

    Can't login LS 4.0.3

    FALSE ALARM! I just realized that I had no physical space left on my slice which was the reason for the server crash, the Rails 2.3.2 not working and the weird login. Man, I'm glad it was that easy... Sorry for bothering you if I did. :-)
  8. J

    Can't login LS 4.0.3

    Also, if I login with incorrect credentials, it'll tell me but if I use the correct ones, it'll reload and the login page without further messages.
  9. J

    Can't login LS 4.0.3

    I can't login to the web console anymore. I tried to reset with /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ but still it wouldn't let me log in. I also don't get any error messages. I just recently upgraded to 4.0.2 because Rails 2.3.2 wouldn't work. Then I used the upgrade option inside the...
  10. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    So far it looks like it's working... Extensive testing to come. Thanks for your help. It's greatly appreciated.
  11. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    OK... good to hear that it works at least. Now, I'd probably need some help with all those checks because I'm not that solid in linux etc. But this is how far I've gotten: First I did look for RailsRunner.rb on my server and this is the output...
  12. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    Done... it's on its way.
  13. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    I created an app from scratch and used ./script/generate scaffold post title:string body:text to create some functionality and database access. I simply copied the folder on the server and restarted the virtual host with the LS web console but neither 2.2.2 nor 2.3.2 seem to work now. 503 is...
  14. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    Yes, it runs find under Mongrel (my development system) and Webrick (my production server). I'm yet to test a blank rails app... I'll do that today and report back. JM
  15. J

    Command Line Restart of Individual Virtual Host

    Thanks Mistwang... I actually tried the individual config but realized too late that it only works with the enterprise edition. And, I'm not starting Rails in suEXEC mode. All ruby processes run under one user. Do you think there's a chance for the .ls_rails_config functionality to make it...
  16. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    LSWS error.log is fine Rails access.log, error.log, production.log are fine LSWS stderr.log ouput: 2009-04-29 02:04:53.921 [NOTICE] [] [uds://tmp/lshttpd/] Request in process stage, fail with 503 This output is not constant. My latest tests...
  17. J

    Command Line Restart of Individual Virtual Host

    In my quest of getting my Rails app working with Git, Capistrano and LiteSpeed 4.0.2 I am trying to find out if it is possible to restart only the affected virtual host rather than the whole server from the command line, e.g. instead of namespace :deploy do task :restart, :roles => :app...
  18. J

    Capistrano Recipes (a working restart?)

    I had the same problem. I had to wrap the namespace :deploy around my task in order for Capistrano to ommit the use of the Reaper. namespace :deploy do task :restart, :roles => :app do sudo "#{lsws_cmd} restart" end end Hope that helps. JM
  19. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    Actually cancel that... I just realized that I still had some pages in cache and after clearing that out, LiteSpeed still chokes on Rails 2.3.2. So, we are back on square 1 except this time I have the current version of LiteSpeed installed. Would you mind picking the issue up again? JM
  20. J

    503 error with Rails 2.3.2

    I finally got the latest version of litespeed installed. BTW, nothing wrong with your docs. It turns out, that I can't read that well. :-) Anyway, after upgrading to 4.0.2 I was able to run the Rails app with version 2.3.2 no worries at all. Thanks. JM