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  1. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    thanks @Long. I didn't have a chance to test. have you tested yourself?
  2. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    @NiteWave, yes, this bug has already been reproduced and confirmed by @Long: Any ETA for a fix?
  3. M

    sub-directory .htaccess PHP rules do not override upper level .htaccess PHP rules

    Hello, is there any ETA for this bug fix?
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    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    Welcome aboard and good luck, Long. Thanks for your assistance, looking forward to get your fixed build, please update this thread once it is ready so that I will update right away.
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    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    @Long Thanks. Please note that I have posted a Bug report about this in the Bugs forum as well. Are you with Litespeedtech?
  6. M

    sub-directory .htaccess PHP rules do not override upper level .htaccess PHP rules

    I have an .htaccess in my public_html directory with the following rules: <IfModule litespeed> php_flag zlib.output_compression On php_value zlib.output_compression_level 2 php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 200000 php_flag display_startup_errors On php_flag html_errors On php_flag...
  7. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    @Pong @NiteWave @Long After hours of debugging, I found the cause. It seems to be a bug in Litespeed Enterprise server. To reproduce the issue: add these lines to your .htaccess in the main dir (ie. http://website/) <FilesMatch "\.(php)$"> deny from </FilesMatch> Then open up...
  8. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    @Long yes, there are many screen capture software that can do it, such as Snagit. I am using Grabilla for Chrome: Thanks for the info, I will try to debug this as suggested.
  9. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    Hi, Long, it's ENT. These are my settings: [EDIT: Screenshot removed for security reasons]
  10. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    It's not about the harm, it's about the fact that it's very inconvenient to need to set AllowOverride for every single sub-directory. How can I check what's the directive that's preventing the sub-folder from overriding the upper level .htaccess?
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    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    I am asking this because I had to specifically set AllowOverride in httpd.conf to make it work. Doesn't <Directory "/home/user/public_html/"> apply to the entire tree under it? <Directory "/"> AllowOverride All Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks IncludesNOEXEC Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch...
  12. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    That's odd, isn't <Directory "/home/user/public_html/"> AllowOverride All </Directory> supposed to cover also AllowOverride of /home/user/public_html/sub-folder/
  13. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    Thanks @NiteWave I didn't understand what you mean by "first, ensure" Could you please elaborate?
  14. M

    [Resolved].htaccess php_value and php_flag being ignored in sub-directory

    I have an .htaccess in my public_html directory with the following rules: <IfModule litespeed> php_flag zlib.output_compression On php_value zlib.output_compression_level 2 php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 200000 php_flag display_startup_errors On php_flag html_errors On php_flag...
  15. M

    Issues with LSPHP and EasyApache 4

    Will php for litespeed have the same matching configuration this way? Specifically, will it include gzinflate() and gzdeflate() and all other functions & modules that I have selected in EA4 and have working on Apache?
  16. M

    Issues with LSPHP and EasyApache 4

    I installed EA4, compiled everything, tested on Apache, everything worked fine. Then I followed this guide to update LS: When turning Litespeed on, my sites always fail. Turns out the pre-compiled php...
  17. M

    **ERROR** Could not compile XCache extension

    EasyApache 3 does not have php 7 installation option. Only EA 4 supports php7, but it is still in beta and thus we can not enable it. Is there any simple way to make this configuration work with LSPHP?
  18. M

    **ERROR** Could not compile XCache extension

    ok, I have compiled php 7 without xcache and memcache. It compiled fine. Now I am trying to make Litespeed use php 7 for php suffix (configured via the management console): External app: And script handler...