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  1. B

    Hotlink protection and empty referers

    As a general trend, we see more and more hits which http headers contain no or an empty REFERER (up to 50%). Obviously, some browsers or third party software (anti spyware ? anti ads ?) are blocking them, even when navigating within the same site. How does your hotlink protection cope with...
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    LSWS 1.5 + LDAP : it works BUT....

    You're right, disabling DEBUG works great ! Thank you very much !
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    LSWS 1.5 + LDAP : it works BUT....

    Hello, According to tcpdump, the LDAP query itself over the networks only takes a fraction of a second. All remaining 2'30 are happenning inside LSWS. And on each request. That's what LSWS log says too, by the way (first line), all the rest is offline : 2004-07-06 12:02:49.207 [DEBUG]...
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    LSWS 1.5 + LDAP : it works BUT....

    Hello, I'm back ! :D Well, LSWS now works with LDAP here but... it takes 2'30 to grant access ! Moreover, the results are not cached, so it takes another 2'30 each time... :cry: By the way, the same query made with ldapsearch takes less than 1 second ! When I take a look at the...
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    RC3 1.5 LDAP ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server

    I've upgraded to RC4 and... :cry: Exactly the same scenario (client resets connection): 12:19:52.356385 > S 1726673214:1726673214(0) win 5808 <mss 1452,sackOK,timestamp 129583925 0,nop,wscale 0> (DF) 0x0000 4500 003c ba0b 4000 4006 8f53 5138...
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    RC3 1.5 LDAP ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server

    Here are the complete tcpdump -X. ldapsearch to server (successful -- and yes I use -x ) : 14:01:54.819321 > S 834992559:834992559(0) win 5808 <mss 1452,sackOK,timestamp 121556171 0,nop,wscale 0> (DF) 0x0000 4500 003c 3564 4000 4006 13fb 5138 c190...
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    RC3 1.5 LDAP ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server

    tcpdump comparison between ldapsearch (which works) and lsws. The first request and response packets between client and server are the roughly the same in both cases. But then, the following packets, emitted by the client differ : * ldapsearch: . ack 1 win 5808 <nop,nop,timestamp...
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    RC3 1.5 LDAP ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server

    We use simple authentication, no TLS. Version 2.1.22 of OpenLdap is not a choice, it is the default bundlede with Mandrake 9.2. That should not prevent connexion, as the LDAP protocol standard is not concerned by OpenLDAP versions. The most frustrating is that OpenLdap server does not...
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    RC3 1.5 LDAP ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server

    I'm running OpenLDAP 2.1.22 on a Mandrake 9.2 on both the server and client. ldapsearch does work and contact the server. tcpdump shows one packet exchange only between LSWS and Directory. Did you program some timeout?
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    RC3 1.5 LDAP ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server

    I can't undestand this error: [] ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server The LDAP is fully reachable, and I do browse the directory with any other clent. My ldap url is all right, and the hostname resolvable. I get the same error when I enter the IP adress, anyway. And...
  11. B

    https ?

    They are not. Squid associates (ip,port) to certs, as can do LSWS or Apache directly. The exposed configuration allows to centralize all certs in case the backends are on remote machines. In that case, the link between proxy and backend is not (necessary) crypted. The alternate port solution...
  12. B

    PHP stderr lost

    So, that is definitly not a LSWS bug, but rather a PHP one. I'm going to report there. Thanks for the replies.
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    PHP stderr lost

    Hello, I don't kwon whether it is a PHP or LSWS bug. When I restart LSWS, it reuses the previous PHP Fast-CGI process, but then, stderr is lost, as If PHP did not use the FastCGI connection to write its standard error, but still the standard error output (catchable by lsws only if it is...
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    LDAP schedule

    That's very soon ! Great ! I'll be an happy beta tester if you need :P
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    LDAP schedule

    Hello, I hope I'm not too boring, but I'm a real fan of LSWS... :roll: I wanted to know if you had some estimation by when LDAP authentication will be available? Just to help me to write my migration roadmap... :wink: Best wishes
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    Testimonial : LSWS as web app frontend instead of Apache

    Hello, I'm in charge of the Lab of a high value Application Service Provider. Our company provides online solutions and services in the field of Knowledge Management to other companies. Our customers entrust their strategic data and decision tools to us (sorry if my English is not too clear...
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    Client Side Certificates

    That is not high priority for us either (or customers rarely require it, but it is a convenient low cost VPN solution). LDAP user DB support is much more interesting to us ! :wink:
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    Client Side Certificates

    Sorry if I'm bothering you with my numerous questions... I'm migrating from Apache to LSWS in the Lab ; the benchs (using Siege) of LSWS with our web apps were so excellent ! We ourselves have elected non blocking I/O (poll) for our own application server middlware ; so LSWS was a natural match...
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    CGI does not work in LSWS 1.3.1

    Limit too low on LInux Hello, PLease note that linux does not make a difference betweeb threads and processes. So your CGI process limit is too low, because PHP FastCGI threads are already many more (you launch more than 25 of them by default, and set the limit as low as 25...) Sincerely,
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    How to deny php execution in a subdir?

    Hello, I'd like to prevent LSWS from executing php scripts that are in a particular directory (an upload dir, see the issue?) In apache, I used to put this .htaccess: AddType text/plain .php .php3 in the safe directory. It does not work in LSWS. How can I do ?