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    nodejs installation

    I got it working the way we need it. This helped:
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    nodejs installation

    Yes, I have. It mentions that it may not work without a control panel, but it does not say why and what needs to be done without a control panel. It‘s also possible that I missed something on the Cloudlinux level. Has anyone managed to get this kind of setup running? Any hints what I might have...
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    nodejs installation

    Hi, I am trying to get nodejs running. We have a standard CloudLinux-Litespeed-Setup without control panel. I have installed the alt-nodejs Cloudlinux package and it would be great to have the node selector, but we could also work with standard node. Now I am a bit lost about the next steps...
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    Basic Auth not excluding urls

    Is "Require expr" supported now? I tried to use it, but was not successful. Thanks
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    LSWS 5.2.4 Emtpy Log

    Nor for me.
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    LSWS 5.2.4 Emtpy Log

    The same here.
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    Thank you. I added "X-Forwarded-Proto: https" to the proxy configuration, but it did not help. configuration bug: Where could that be? I think that litespeed is doing this redirect.
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    Hi, We would like to use the Apache directive "UseCanonicalName Off". Is the equivalent setting available in litespeed? I tried to use "UseCanonicalName Off" in .htaccess and in the "apache style configuration" field, but with no success. Short background explanation: We use a reverse proxy in...
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    problem with setting http headers

    I did some further tests and it seems that lsws does not support the following: 1) Header unset Cache-Control 2) env variables for Header: Header set Cache-Control no-cache env=NO_CACHE Is this correct? If yes it would be great if you could implement it. This would allow me to set the cache...
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    problem with setting http headers

    I could solve the problem. I added the following to "Apache Style configurations": <FilesMatch "\.php$"> Header set Cache-Control max-age=3600 </FilesMatch> That way the header "Cache-Control" is properly added to the response headers for php pages, while static objects still get the...
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    problem with setting http headers

    Sure: ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 day" Daniel
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    problem with setting http headers

    Yes, that might work for our own applications, but I would like to set these headers for standard CMS like Wordpress or typo3. Of course it could be added somewhere there, but would be much easier in lsws. We have an Apache/ColdFusion setup and there it's no problem to add headers also for...
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    problem with setting http headers

    Hi, We are using lsws 4.2.6 Enterprise. I would like to set http headers for caching (Cache-Control and Expires). This works perfectly for static objects. I am using the native configuration "Expires by Type" on server level. Unfortunately it does not work for dynamically generated...
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    password protection for vhost

    I have used lsws to create the users file.
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    password protection for vhost

    No, I can't do this, as this server is productive. This is a pretty standard installation with lsws 4.2.2 64bit Enterprise on Ubuntu 12 64bit. How would installing lsws standard help? Thanks Daniel
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    password protection for vhost

    Ok, I did, but still does not work. I have now solved the problem with .htaccess und .htpasswd with an unencrypted password. But still would be good if I could do that on the server level. Daniel
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    password protection for vhost

    Thank you. I already tried "user xxx", but did not work. Also the lsws documentation says that "required" can be left empty and then every user would be valid (the same as "valid-user"). The users file exists and contains the correct user. Daniel
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    password protection for vhost

    I have now tried to do the same with .htaccess: Does not work either with the same users file. But if I create a .htpasswd with the password unencrypted it works. So it apparently has to do with the users file. I have created the users file normally using the lsws admin and it looks good. The...
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    password protection for vhost

    Hi, I have a very simple problem but cannot figure it out. I would like to password protect a vhost. This vhost is instaniated. I don't want to do it with .htaccess. I have created the realm and the context, but I always get "Authentication failed with user xxx". This is the relevant...
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    [solved] cookie length/content length

    I think I mixed up log messages. litespeed blocked a request with the following error message: mod_security rule triggered! [Wed Feb 29 16:21:32 2012] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403, [Rule: 'ARGS' '(fromCharCode|http-equiv|<.+>|innerHTML|dynsrc|-->)']...