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  1. B

    File uploads time out after random times

    I've followed that but can't tell what has happened. I can't tell if my connection is messing up or what but uploads seem to be capped at 21 KB/sec and failing even more often. The site also seems to take forever to load pages now.
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    File uploads time out after random times

    I'm using ShareX to upload files via a POST request to my website (the file is POSTed to the PHP script). When uploading large files (100+ MB) and sometimes smaller ones (2-3MB) the upload will time out with "Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly...
  3. B

    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    Thanks, I've got an idea for that now. I am using the symlink option to send files to the user via X-LiteSpeed-Location (with the extension), but it seems that extension was not sent with it.
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    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Can I remove the symlink after the X-LiteSpeed-Location header? ie. header('X-LiteSpeed-Location: /files/tmp/temp.png'); unlink('/files/tmp/temp.png'); When using them in that order I receive the following error in LiteSpeed: detect loop redirection
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    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    Unfortunately my site doesn't retain the extension of the file on the disk (but does in the database) - is there any way to trick LiteSpeed into thinking it's a .jpg?
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    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    Thanks, it seems to be working - but if I want to display image files I should use the readfile method, correct?
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    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    Thanks, but my code is as follows currently: Would I replace readfile with X-LiteSpeed-Location?
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    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    Thanks for your help. It seems I can get around this by using the information on this page: I am a bit unclear as to how to use this header. In the PHP file that processes/handles the download...
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    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    While downloading the file served by PHP in Chrome I cannot access any pages on the site in Chrome, but, while downloading a PHP-served file in Chrome I can access the site from Internet Explorer. Visa-versa for Internet Explorer. I also have a friend that confirms the issue
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    Can't load multiple PHP pages at once

    I have a site that is supposed to serve files via a PHP page. If this PHP page is serving a file (ie. a 20MB file), nothing else will load at the same time. It waits for the current file to finish loading before loading the next one (and also means the site doesn't work in another tab). Is...
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    [solved] PHP uploads not setting owner/group

    sorry for the delay, I figured it out now. You have to set up each site under the template, I thought you set up each site as a vhost and then set it to use the template!
  12. B

    [solved] PHP uploads not setting owner/group

    Thanks for the quick response! I've enabled it as instructed but files are still missing their owner, as shown by the log: [68.xx.xx.xx:39176-0#sitename] owner of file does not match owner of vhost, path [/home/sitename/html/assets/files/86.swf], access denied. This site is set up in the...
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    [solved] PHP uploads not setting owner/group

    (this was not a problem with NGINX)
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    [solved] PHP uploads not setting owner/group

    I have my virtual hosts set up to run off DocRoot UID (so that domain may only access files on that domain via PHP) but it seems that when a file is uploaded it is not owned by the DocRoot UID. This causes 403 access forbidden errors and is very frustrating - what am I doing wrong here :(
  15. B

    Refuses to load page

    The issue is that LiteSpeed is breaking the method the script is using to compress the files using PATH_INFO. There is no style because of it.
  16. B

    Refuses to load page

    I'm trying to load and get the following error [] URI '/dj/css/compress.php/login+primary' refers to a static file with PATH_INFO [/login+primary] I have no idea what's wrong but it's breaking the compress.php page because of what's...
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    [solved] LiteSpeed requires nobody to own files, FTP users can't edit

    wait, never mind, that did it, solved
  18. B

    [solved] LiteSpeed requires nobody to own files, FTP users can't edit

    As the title suggests, LiteSpeed requires that every file be owned by nobody in order for it to be readable by it, but if I do that, my users can't edit their own files in FTP (using vsftpd). Any help would be appreciated, thanks/.