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    Litespeed with PHP5 by default

    I am trying it with mint linux, but giving lot of error message while compile php5. What is the easiest linux distribution that I may install and configure to have my LP web server
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    Litespeed with PHP5 by default

    I know that when you install Litespeed it installs PHP4. Is there a way to install by default PHP5 without doing any compiling etc.
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    [solved] Error while Compile PHP with LSAPI

    I solved the problem by combiling PHP5 with the following
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    [solved] Error while Compile PHP with LSAPI

    Thanks for the reply. I am done with the PHP 5 compile, but can't connect to MySql /home/me/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 -i|grep default_socket is giving the following result
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    [Solved] Compiling PHP 5.3.6 with LSAPI ::problem::

    Please let me know to which file I should include the above line (--with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-mysqli=mysqlnd)
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    [solved] Error while Compile PHP with LSAPI

    Hello, I am getting the following error while trying to compile the PHP 5
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    Are there any tutorials out that show how to set up Litespeed, MySQL, and PHP, with phpMyAdmin ?
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    Which Linux?

    Hello, I am not very good at Linux, I wanted to try the LiteSpeed. Please suggest me a easy Linux Distribution to install and try LiteSpeed. Thank you