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  1. J

    LSWS Rails App MySQL Connection Errors

    Looks like disconnect! is still needed in RailsRunner.rb.. this change fixes the problem: if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) ActiveRecord::Base.disconnect! ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_active_connections! end
  2. J

    LSWS Rails App MySQL Connection Errors

    disconnect! appeared to still be needed, perhaps not though - i will check again.
  3. J

    LSWS Rails App MySQL Connection Errors

    The solution to this is to put: ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect! in your environment.rb (at the end) A better solution would be to add this to RailsRunner.rb, right after environment is loaded .. maybe in a future release?
  4. J

    LSWS Rails App MySQL Connection Errors

    I noticed in railsrunner for new (rack) versions of rails, there is no code for the disconnect! call to AR... is this supposed to be like this? it's not in the rack adapter, either...
  5. J

    Problem with Memcache / forking

    It worked, but we had to manually create a cache object for the session store so we could call reset on it (and then just SESSION_CACHE.reset right before the clear_active_connections!) In the edge of rails it looks like there is a way to access the Session memcache instance, which would mean...
  6. J

    Problem with Memcache / forking

    Doesn't seem to help, if it's only loaded once i'm assuming that means it won't reset when the process gets forked.. where would we hook into that?
  7. J

    Problem with Memcache / forking

    Would it be a good place to do this in environment.rb, or is that not going to get executed when it's forked?
  8. J

    Problem with Memcache / forking

    This also just started happening with the new Litespeed and Rails 2.3 (Rack)..
  9. J

    Problem with Memcache / forking I'm running into a similar problem with Litespeed... Memcache is returning incorrect objects, sometimes. Any ideas of a solution? How would one go about reseting the connection to...
  10. J

    disable core dump

    Hi! I can't figure out how to stop litespeed from creating core dumps on my server - I have the core dump option set to disable and it's still spawning core.**** files in the root of my rails app. the cause of the core dump is image processing in a rails app where i'm running into low VPS...
  11. J

    Authentication Error with 3.0 on FreeBSD 6

    Having the same problem - using the right lsws for fbsd 6.1 , have tried reinstall etc... can't get it to login
  12. J

    rails proc spawning question

    Thanks for the quick reply, that sounds pretty much what i was hoping :)
  13. J

    rails proc spawning question

    Hello! I'm curious about the spawning of new rails processes that litespeed does... will litespeed spawn new procs rather than stack behind an existing/busy one if it hasn't reached max-procs? and if it has reached max-procs is it smart about which procs it sends new requests to (will it...