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  1. J

    Problem with Memcache / forking I'm running into a similar problem with Litespeed... Memcache is returning incorrect objects, sometimes. Any ideas of a solution? How would one go about reseting the connection to...
  2. J

    disable core dump

    Hi! I can't figure out how to stop litespeed from creating core dumps on my server - I have the core dump option set to disable and it's still spawning core.**** files in the root of my rails app. the cause of the core dump is image processing in a rails app where i'm running into low VPS...
  3. J

    rails proc spawning question

    Hello! I'm curious about the spawning of new rails processes that litespeed does... will litespeed spawn new procs rather than stack behind an existing/busy one if it hasn't reached max-procs? and if it has reached max-procs is it smart about which procs it sends new requests to (will it...