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  1. E

    LSWS 3.0RC2 and trac-fcgi

    Ok I triple checked everything. I have exactly the same configurations as your demo server. The tutorial you linked for me is the same as in your wiki. This is the tutorial I followed initally when setting up the trac project virtual host for the first time. After trying it so many times I...
  2. E

    LSWS 3.0RC2 and trac-fcgi

    Yes thanks a lot, this I will do and then report back if I had success.
  3. E

    LSWS 3.0RC2 and trac-fcgi

    After compiling sysstats and gaining mpstat with this, I don't get this message anymore. That's quite fine with me, but now my trac-FastCGI doesn't throw any debug message in the LSWS logs. Curios enough as it might be it doesn't load in browser either. The only message which stays constant...
  4. E

    LSWS 3.0RC2 and trac-fcgi

    Ok I updated LSWS to 3.0 from RC2. After successful update and a restart I get a bunch of the following debug errors when I try to access trac.fcgi 2007-02-21 19:52:12.300 DEBUG Failed to execute 'mpstat' command: No such file or directory I have no clue what this error message is trying...
  5. E

    LSWS 3.0RC2 and trac-fcgi

    I'm trying to get LSWS 3.0RC2 running with trac. I have a functioning trac installation and an functioning installation of LSWS 3.0RC2. Some further informations about the setup of my server: My trac project resides in /srv/trac/dystopia All files are marked readable by LSWS. The...