
  1. biguprush

    deploying Node.js on litespeed

    Hello I've been looking for days for a solution and now I'm here. The amount of documentation is too little and vague. I have an application in /home/mysite/public_html/application and I'm supposed to access it via when I run the server it should take port 3000 and when I...
  2. R

    wordress site + a server in nodejs

    Dear Geniuses @ LiteSpeed Technologies: LiteSpeed Technologies has many products in AWS, such as CyberPanel, OpenLiteSpeed NodeJS, and so on. I don't know which one to use for my site, including a primary and two subs using WordPress and a server in nodejs. I also need MySQL(rather than...
  3. Z

    Node.js App not running

    Hello dear community, I have an application configured with LiteSpeed. I followed the tutorial guide about how to deploy an NodeJS application. I've done everything correctly which u could see from the screens in the attachments. Once I had a application running with Fastify JS the fastify...