Cloudflare and Litespeed

Good day all

I use Cloudflare as my CDN, currently the catching/ minification settings on set to on with Cloudflare as well as on LS cache. Could this cause conflicts and slow down my site? Should I turn catching and minification off on the Cloudflare side if I am using LS cache?



Staff member
I would use LiteSpeed to handle the dynamic caching and CloudFlare handle the static file caching. If you have wordpress site, I would recommend Quic.Cloud CDN service which support dynamic full-page caching pretty well.
About optimize part, e.g. minify, combine. Better stick on one service only, multiple optimization may cause conflict.


Staff member
Hi @henscu ,

Correct, LSCache is a cache plugin and works with CloudFlare or any other CDN services. And Quic.Cloud is a CDN service that is launched in this year 2020.