Configuring multiple SSL certificates/listeners for various Virtual Hosts

I've recently configured a default SSL listener (over port 443) which is mapped to a virtual host and an associated SSL certificate.

This works as planned and the traffic to the site I've mapped to that default listener is encrypted.

However, I needed a second SSL certificate for another site and I'm aware I can't map them to the same port.

I opened a new port (8443) and mapped a listener/ virtual host however this fails resulting in a 404.

Any advice on where I'm going wrong would be greatly appreciated.



Staff member

"However, I needed a second SSL certificate for another site and I'm aware I can't map them to the same port. "
Yes you can, just put the second site's cert in the virtual host's SSL tab. So then you can just map this second's VH under the same 443 port listener


"However, I needed a second SSL certificate for another site and I'm aware I can't map them to the same port. "
Yes you can, just put the second site's cert in the virtual host's SSL tab. So then you can just map this second's VH under the same 443 port listener

Perfect. I tried using the Virtual SSL tab on the virtual host first (prior to configuring the listener SSL) and it failed. But using it now with the listener configured as it is, all is working perfectly.

Thanks for the feedback!