Full recache of huge number of products and PHP max_execution_time 3600s - how!?!?!?!!?! (PARTIALLY SOLVED)


Well-Known Member
now I have 6500 products in database.

after Purge All Cache full recache of all for one UA is 8-12 hours :(

one run recache script from cli (or web) recache only near 1000 (one thousand) product links.

I must re-run recache script each hour by cron (or by hand)

but ............. after restart recache script again and again build urls list and start recache from beginning :(

recache already cached urls is near 10 mins for 1000 urls.

5000 already cached urls is near 40-50 mins.

last 1500 urls script recache with iteration 200-300 urls for run.

total: 5hours for first 5000 urls and 5-8 hours for last 1500 urls.

is the way ONCE build urls list, save it? remember last cached urls and restart again from next url?

P.S. solution found.
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Well-Known Member
first step

add some variables for use


        // lscache crawler product list recache variabels
        $this->db->query(" insert into " . DB_PREFIX . "setting (store_id, code, `key`, value, serialized) values ('0', 'module_lscache', 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_status', 'empty', '0')") ;
        $this->db->query(" insert into " . DB_PREFIX . "setting (store_id, code, `key`, value, serialized) values ('0', 'module_lscache', 'module_lscache_product_list_last_recached', '0', '0')") ;
        $this->db->query(" insert into " . DB_PREFIX . "setting (store_id, code, `key`, value, serialized) values ('0', 'module_lscache', 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_total', '0', '0')") ;

            // add variables for recache product list
                $oldSetting["module_lscache_product_list_recache_status"] = 'empty';
                $oldSetting["module_lscache_product_list_last_recached"] = '0';
                $oldSetting["module_lscache_product_list_recache_total"] = '0';
            // end add


Well-Known Member
second step

to catalog/controller/extension/module/ lscache.php
add function that build full Product Urls List for recache and store it in database

    protected function BuildListOfProductUrls($categoryPath1) {
        $UrlsCount1 = 0;
        $this->db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX . "lscache_product_urls_list` ( `url_list_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `lscache_product_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `recache_status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`url_list_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;");
        foreach ($this->model_catalog_product->getProducts() as $result) {
            foreach ($this->model_catalog_product->getCategories($result['product_id']) as $category) {
                if(isset( $categoryPath1[$category['category_id']] )){
                    $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "lscache_product_urls_list SET lscache_product_url = '" . 'path=' . $categoryPath1[$category['category_id']] . '&product_id=' . $result['product_id'] . "' ");

            $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "lscache_product_urls_list SET lscache_product_url = '" . 'manufacturer_id=' . $result['manufacturer_id'] . '&product_id=' . $result['product_id'] . "' ");

            $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "lscache_product_urls_list SET lscache_product_url = '" . 'product_id=' . $result['product_id'] . "' ");
        $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "setting WHERE store_id = '0' AND `code` = 'module_lscache' AND `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_status' ");
        $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_status', `value` = 'full'");
        $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "setting WHERE store_id = '0' AND `code` = 'module_lscache' AND `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_total' ");
        $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_total', `value` = '" . $UrlsCount1 . "' ");

        return $UrlsCount1;



Well-Known Member
third step
add function that prepare part of full Pruduct URLs list for crawling

    protected function BuildUrlsListForRecache($FirstItem,$LastItem {
        $UrlsList = array();
        for ($num_item = $FirstItem ; $num_item <= $LastItem ;  $num_item++ ) {
            $PathToRecache = (array)$this->db->query("SELECT `lscache_product_url` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "lscache_product_urls_list` WHERE url_list_id = '" . $num_item ."' " );
            $UrlsList[] = $this->url->link('product/product', $PathToRecache['row']['lscache_product_url'] );
        return $UrlsList;
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Well-Known Member
fourth step
check if additional variables sets

        if ( !isset($this->lscache->setting['module_lscache_product_list_recache_status']) ) {
                        $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_status', `value` = 'empty' ");
                        $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_total', `value` = '0' ");
                        $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_last_recached', `value` = '0' ");


Well-Known Member
fifth step
build Product URLs List, prepare to recache

        if ( $this->lscache->setting['module_lscache_product_list_recache_status'] == 'empty') {
            $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX . "lscache_product_urls_list`");
            $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "setting WHERE store_id = '0' AND `code` = 'module_lscache' AND `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_total' ");
            $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_recache_total', `value` = '0' ");
            $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "setting WHERE store_id = '0' AND `code` = 'module_lscache' AND `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_last_recached' ");
            $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_last_recached', `value` = '0' ");
            echo 'begin build product urls list for recache' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;
            $BuildListOfProductUrlsValue = $this->BuildListOfProductUrls($categoryPath);
            echo 'product urls list for recache built' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;


Well-Known Member
final step
recache, remember last recached item, restart recache from last item

        $LastRecachedItem = $this->lscache->setting['module_lscache_product_list_last_recached'] + 1;
        $TotalUrlsInList = $this->lscache->setting['module_lscache_product_list_recache_total'];
        // crawl Urls from built Product List
        for ($i = $LastRecachedItem; $i <= $TotalUrlsInList; $i = $i+2042 ) {
            $LastRecacheItemNew = $i+2042;
            if ( $LastRecacheItemNew > $TotalUrlsInList ) $LastRecacheItemNew = $TotalUrlsInList;
            $UrlsCountCount = floor($i/2043)+1;
            echo 'recache '. $UrlsCountCount . ' part of product urls...' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;
            $UrlsTest = $this->BuildUrlsListForRecache($i,$LastRecacheItemNew);
            $this->crawlUrls($UrlsTest, $cli);
            $UrlsTest = array();
            $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "setting WHERE store_id = '0' AND `code` = 'module_lscache' AND `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_last_recached' ");
            $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "setting SET store_id = '0', `code` = 'module_lscache', `key` = 'module_lscache_product_list_last_recached', `value` = '" . $LastRecacheItemNew . "' ");
            echo 'recached product urls list from ' . $i . ' to ' . $LastRecacheItemNew . ' completed' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;


Well-Known Member
may be solution not elegant, but it work!

with code above and ideas from here

PHP max_execution_time 3600s NOT MATTER!!!!

NOT problem with PHP memory exceed

full site recache for two UAs for 6500 products is 8 hours!!! (recache script started by crontab)

full site recache for me:
- recache all product pages
- recache all categories with pagination
- recache product catalog with pagination
- recache all manufacturers with pagination

P.S. some problems exists: for third and fourth steps script must be restarted each time.
setting value in database and reading "right now" not work. may be MySQL needed close connection?
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